

Comment regarder The Golden Goose sur Netflix gratuitement

Le Gang de l'oiseau d'or

Le Gang de l'oiseau d'or

Tandis qu'à Naples un enfant découvre sur une plage le corps sans vie d'une jeune femme qui tient dans la main un faux billet de cinquante dollars, le caissier d'une banque parisienne se retrouve sous les feux de l'actualité. La police l'accuse en effet d'écouler des billets verts contrefaits. Le Trésor américain est convaincu, quant à lui, que les responsables de ce trafic opèrent depuis l'Angleterre. Ses chefs décident par conséquent d'envoyer à Londres Peter Novak, un agent secret qui vient d'échapper à New York à une rafale de mitraillette ; la jeune fille qui était à ses côtés a eu moins de chance. Novak s'envole pour l'Angleterre où, avec l'aide de Thompson, son homologue britannique, il a pour mission d'infiltrer le gang des faux-monnayeurs....

Kill the Golden Goose

Kill the Golden Goose

Two former comrades find themselves on opposite sides of the honesty fence. The real villains are corrupt government officials and big-business influence peddlers. Diplomacy goes out the window as arguments are settled with fist, foot, and crushed skulls..

L'oie d'or

L'oie d'or

Modeste apprenti charpentier, Simpleton n'est guère apprécié. Bien qu'il soit régulièrement moqué, le garçon a bon cœur et n'a qu'un souhait : rendre la triste princesse heureuse. Aussi, quand il reçoit une oie d'or en cadeau, il ne veut pas la garder et préfère l'offrir à la princesse..

The Golden Goose: Tales from Europe

The Golden Goose: Tales from Europe

The beloved Brothers Grimm fairy tale comes to life in this delightful 1964 family film from East Germany. Kindly shoemaker Klaus (Kaspar Eichel) is given a golden-feathered goose that seems to entrance all who see it. Soon, a veritable team of goose groupies form around Klaus, but his newfound celebrity does nothing to change one sad fact: He still hasn't found true love. That is, until a beautiful princess (Karin Ugowski) enters the picture..

The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg

The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg

Felix is handing out relief, thanks to a goose that lays golden eggs. The evil Captain Kidd sees the goose and breaks into Felix's house to get it. He brings the goose to his pirate ship. Felix arrives too late to catch the ship. Goldie won't lay for the pirates. Felix sees a cannon and turns himself into a human cannonball to catch teh ship. With help from Goldie and another cannon, he subdues the crew, wrapping them in the sail and depositing them in the hold. He and Kidd have a swordfight, but their swords melt together. Kidd chases Felix up the mast, then foolishly cuts off his own support. He falls into the hold. They sail for home, where Felix fires off cannonloads of gold coins..

The Goose That Laid a Golden Egg

The Goose That Laid a Golden Egg

Dogfather reads about a goose that laid a golden egg, and kidnaps him to make him lay another one. Trouble is, he didn't actually lay the egg (it was an another goose that decided to keep his mouth shut since he knew the fate of the goose in the story "The Goose that Laid a Golden Egg")..

The Golden Wild Goose

The Golden Wild Goose

The story of a revolutionary Tibetan youth who discovers and defeats an old landlord and tribal leader who is plotting against the Communist government’s plan to end the locust plague..

Golden Goosebumps

Golden Goosebumps

Nobody has canceled the golden goosebumps. Where are they from? The film is a reflection on the nature of voice, the essence of creative pursuits and the origins of musical destiny..