

Comment regarder The Death King sur Netflix gratuitement

Ancient Egypt - Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings

Ancient Egypt - Life and Death in the Valley of the Kings

Presented by Egyptologist Dr Joann Fletcher who goes on a fascinating journey in search of people like us, not the great Pharaohs, but the ordinary people who built and populated this incredible place, creating a remarkable way of life. Dr Joann explores their homes, workplaces and temples. The programme originally aired on BBC2 and we meet Kha and Meryt, an architect and his wife who lived just outside the Valley of the Kings. They left behind a treasure trove of information; their extraordinary tomb, full of objects from their lives and deaths - from make-up to death-masks, loaves of bread to life-like figurines, even the tools Kha used at work in the royal tombs. Joann Fletcher uses this to travel into the remarkable world of these Ancient Egyptians,..

Le Roi des Morts

Le Roi des Morts

Il se divise en sept épisodes - un pour chaque jour de la semaine - qui s'articulent autour du thème du suicide ou de la mort violente. Le fil conducteur est un corps humain qui se décompose lentement tout au long du film..

The Life and Death of King John

The Life and Death of King John

The reign of England's King John is threatened by Philip of France who demands that John's nephew Arthur be placed on the throne. Pragmatic and decisive, King John moves to plactate the French, but there are others who seek disputre his authority..

The Death of a King

The Death of a King

A response to Yoko Ono's Film Script No. 4 “ASK THE AUDIENCE TO STARE AT THE SCREEN UNTIL IT BECOMES BLACK.” I decided to assemble material shot in Cambodia in 2013 during the Cambodia King-Father Norodom Sihanouk’s funeral- a week long period of national mourning in which millions of Cambodians swarmed to Phnom Penh to grieve for the loss of their beloved leader. The profoundly overwhelming nature of this mass grieving seemed to resonate with the notion of an audience literally collectively willing an image out of existence. I chose to read the action of the screen turning black as being due to the audiences collective will rather than something imposed on an audience by the filmmaker/artist..

King of the Death Match Tournament

King of the Death Match Tournament

With IWA getting more popular due to the charisma of some of their wrestlers, they decided to produce a show called Kawasaki Dream, which was held on August 20, 1995 at the Kawasaki Baseball Stadium. The main attraction of the show was the first ever 8-man single elimination deathmatch tournament, which featured Cactus Jack, Terry Funk, Shoji Nakamaki, Hiroshi Ono, Leatherface, Tiger Jeet Singh, Terry Gordy and former FMW wrestler Mr. Gannosuke. The show also featured an NWA World Heavyweight Championship defense, as Tarzan Goto challenged then-champion Dan Severn for the title. The standout in this tournament were the three matches in which Mick Foley wrestled. The first one was a "Barbed Wire, Baseball Bat, and Thumbtack Match". The second was a "Barbed Wire Board Spike Nail Match". The third was a "Barbed Wire Rope, Exploding C4, and Time Bomb Match"..

The Death of King Edward III

The Death of King Edward III

King Edward III reigned from 1327 to 1377. He was a son of Edward the Second and he was born at Windsor Castle, November 13th, 1312. He was celebrated for his wars with the Scottish king and his battles with France. He started the "One Hundred Years' War." In his invasions of France, he was accompanied by his eldest son, "The Black Prince,".

Death in the Tower: King Richard and the Two Princes

Death in the Tower: King Richard and the Two Princes

Two boys are waiting in the Tower of London for their big day of celebration. The older boy is just 12 years old in the summer of 1483 and is to be crowned King of England. But suddenly doubts arise among the nobles about the succession to the throne and his uncle receives the crown. After the coronation, the two young heirs to the throne disappear from the face of the earth. Have they been kidnapped or murdered? The new King Richard III remains silent on the matter. But the doubts about his accession to the throne remain. In the 17th century, bones are found during building work, confirming the old suspicion against Richard III as a child murderer. What happened to the two boys in the Tower? A cold case from the age of the knights in England, in which numerous new clues have been found in recent years..

Digimon Fusion

Digimon Fusion

Trois enfants sont transportés dans le Monde numérique où ils doivent sauvegarder leurs zones spécifiques avec l’aide de Shoutmon, un digimon énergique habitant le monde..

La clef d'or

La clef d'or

Un jeune homme part à la recherche du pays de l'éternelle jeunesse. Après avoir reçu des instructions de Père du Temps. il doit affronter de nombreux dangers et subir plusieurs épreuves avant d'être admis dans cette contrée merveilleuse. À force de courage et d'astuce, il parvient pourtant à son but et épouse une princesse qui lui est venue en aide dans ses tribulations. Après avoir bu de l'eau d'une source interdite, il est cependant réduit à son état premier, mais il accepte son sort avec magnanimité..

The King of Boxers

The King of Boxers

A King Boxer named Chow (Meng Fei) visits a friend in Thailand. She introduces him to her boyfriend, who's a Thai boxer. Chow saves the Thai boxer from some thugs and the two become friends. Chow teaches him the knife style. Meanwhile back in China, Chow's brother and sister look after his kung fu school. A Japanese martial artist (Kurata) visits the school looking for Chow. Kurata fights and beats his brother instead and develops strong liking for Chow's sister. Chow returns to China and has to defend his school's honor against Kurata..

Les 6 épreuves de la Mort

Les 6 épreuves de la Mort

Un précieux document permettant l'invasion de la Chine est aux mains d'un homme sans scrupules. Ce document a été caché au sommet d'une tour, pour y arriver, il faut affronter 6 épreuves et pour cela un seul homme en est capable, Wang. Récupèrera-t-il le précieux document.

The Master of Kung Fu

The Master of Kung Fu

Huang Fei-Hung, the now famous Chinese boxer, teaches his martial arts at Pao Chih Lin Institute, in Canton. Gordon, a European businessman, who deals in import export is looking for a good security guard for his Jade collection.. So ensues a martial arts tournament to decide who get's the job..