

Comment regarder The Danish girl sur Netflix gratuitement

The Danish girl

The Danish girl

The Danish girl retrace la remarquable histoire d'amour de Gerda Wegener et Lili Elbe, née Einar Wegener, l'artiste danoise connue comme la première personne à avoir subi une chirurgie de réattribution sexuelle en 1930. Le mariage et le travail de Lili et Gerda évoluent alors qu’ils s’embarquent sur les territoires encore inconnus du transgenre..

Danish Girls Show Everything

Danish Girls Show Everything

Despite its suggestive title, this multi-part Danish omnibus film is not a work of exploitation. Instead, it presents 20 different short films (back-to-back) on the general theme of Danish women, directed by filmmakers including Krzysztof Zanussi, Monika Treut, Gustav Hamos, David Blair, Vibeke Vogel, Dusan Makavejev, Morten Skallerud and Lars Norgaard. Some dramatic vignettes mix with other comedic ones, but all are offbeat and experimental. The picture includes one animated sequence (by Norgaard)..

The All-American Girl

The All-American Girl

Debbie's boyfriend Bobby has left for Guatemala for three months and Debbie is expecting a boring summer. But then she hasn't considered her neighbours and their 15-year old son Johnny..

Jumpin' at the Bedside

Jumpin' at the Bedside

The head of a big engineering firm is a workaholic who neglects his pretty young wife - leading to her joining an "escort" service as a means of sexual relief. All is well, until the escort service is hired to entertain the engineering firm's clients at a swingers' party..