

Comment regarder The Corsairs sur Netflix gratuitement

The Corsairs

The Corsairs

After the death of her father, the viceroy of a small Caribean island, the beautiful young Isabella is in a big danger. The crafty duke of Burt wants to grab the power on the isle so he decides to eliminate her. Fortunately then comes a group of pirates stranded after a shipwreck. Their leader is the brave and bold Alan Drake. The pirates are hired to protect Isabella and the adventure begins..

Le Corsaire Noir

Le Corsaire Noir

Alors qu'il recherche le flamand Van Gould, responsable de l'assassinat de ses deux frères, le Corsaire Noir kidnappe une jeune femme dont il tombe éperdument amoureux….

The Black Corsair

The Black Corsair

The Black Corsair sneaks into Maracaibo to take back his brother's body in the hopes of giving him a proper burial at sea. In the company of a little monkey, Carmaux, Moko and the Black Corsair soon arrive at a local tavern, stuffed with local folk who taunt and laugh at some men who have just hanged, rejoicing over their death..

Iolanda, Child and Corsair

Iolanda, Child and Corsair

Adventure of children and adults, fancied trips and everyday tragedies. The city and the countryside. Real and dreamt life. An experimental film inspired to the life of Emilio Salgari and his novel Yolanda, daughter of the Black Corsair. The movie is part of a series produced by Quarto Film on the 150th anniversary of Salgari's birth..