

Comment regarder The Cave of the Golden Rose sur Netflix gratuitement

La Princesse rebelle

La Princesse rebelle

In the middle of a war between two kingdoms queen died tragically while giving birth to her third daughter. The king wanted a male heir to his throne and torn by the death of his wife, decides to sacrifice the girl and leads to the Cave of the Golden Rose to give her to the monster. The child is saved by the White Witch who promises her a wonderful future. With a rebellious temperament, the princess, named by his father Fantaghiro behaves like a tomboy. But one day she must confront the enemy, the king Romualdo, which is in love with her..

La sorcière noire

La sorcière noire

Fantaghiro and Romualdo are preparing their marriage when the Black Queen disgusted by their deep love captures Fantaghiro's father. Romualdo and his soldiers go on their journey to free him. But the insidious Black Queen transforms herself into Fantaghiro, makes Romualdo her slave by kissing him and captures the rest of his army. Fantaghiro follows Romualdo although she promised him to stay home, finds the camp deserted and enters the near castle of the Black Queen. When she asks for a duel to free her people she is very surprised to face Romualdo who has forgot her completely due to the magic of the Black Queen..

L'Empereur du mal

L'Empereur du mal

A black cloud travels across country, kills animals and plants and dries up the rivers. When the cloud reaches Fantaghiro's kingdom she meets Prince Parsel who follows the cloud to get his stolen castle back. After her castle vanishes, too, Fantaghiro joins Parsel on his journey to find her home, her people, her family and her love..

La Reine des ténèbres

La Reine des ténèbres

The powerful evil wizard Tarabas gets knowledge about a prophecy that a king's child will defeat him. So he sends out his army of dead soldiers to kidnap all royal children. When the soldiers attack Fantaghiro's castle to steal the babies of her sisters, the battle seems to be lost until she discovers the secret to defeat the solders but by doing that she loses Romualdo. Now Fantaghiro must find the evil wizard Tarabas and convince him to break the spell and bring back Romualdo..

La Caverne de la rose d'or

La Caverne de la rose d'or

La Caverne de la rose d'or ou Fantagaro (Fantaghirò) est une série de cinq téléfilms de romantic fantasy italiens réalisée par Lamberto Bava, et diffusée du 22 décembre 1991 au 22 décembre 1996 sur Canale 5. En France, elle a été diffusée de 1991 à 1996 sur M6. Le récit, situé au Moyen Âge, raconte des aventures de Fantagaro, une princesse intrépide qui, vêtue comme un homme pour passer au travers des règles de l'époque, part guerroyer pour sauver son royaume et les personnes qui lui sont chères. La plupart des épisodes de la série ont été tournés en Tchécoslovaquie, et plus particulièrement au château de Bouzov..