

Comment regarder The Bubble sur Netflix gratuitement

La Bulle

La Bulle

En temps de pandémie, un groupe d'acteurs et d'actrices, confiné dans la "bulle sanitaire" d'un hôtel en Angleterre, tente de boucler le tournage de la suite d'un film d'action sur des dinosaures volants, intitulée “Cliff Beasts 6: The Battle for Everest: Memories of a Requiem”..

The Bubble

The Bubble

The Bubble is news based celebrity panel game show. Three different celebrities are locked away in a media-free zone for four days. When they are released and take part on the show they have to decide which stories that have been in the media are true or have been made up..

The Bubble

The Bubble

Trois jeunes Israéliens, Noam, disquaire, Yali, gérant de café, et Lulu, vendeuse dans une boutique de produits de beauté, partagent un appartement dans un quartier branché de Tel-Aviv, symbole de cette "bulle", surnom donné à la ville. Dans ce cocon quasi déconnecté de la réalité des territoires et des conflits politiques qui agitent le pays, ils mènent une existence tout à fait ordinaire, préférant se concentrer sur leur vie amoureuse. Leur quotidien va pourtant être bouleversé par l'arrivée d'Ashraf, un Palestinien dont Noam tombe amoureux lors d'un incident au Check Point de Naplouse..

The Bubble

The Bubble

Imaginez une ville tentaculaire de 155 000 retraités, équipée de 54 terrains de golf, de 70 piscines et de son propre média. Les milliers d'habitants de The Villages, en Floride, vivent isolés du monde dans une bulle de loisirs où l'âge n'est plus une question. Mais tout cela a un coût, payé par la flore, la faune et les habitants..

The Bubble

The Bubble

Diving deep into the true causes of the Great Recession, the financial crisis of the 2010s, renowned economists, investors and business leaders explain what America is facing if we don't learn from our past mistakes. Is the economy really improving or are we just blowing up another Bubble?.

Le phénomène des Beanies

Le phénomène des Beanies

Lorsque Ty, ancien vendeur de jouets frustré, collabore avec trois femmes, ses peluches deviennent une icône des années 90. Cette histoire débridée sur les coulisses de la plus grosse frénésie d'achat de jouets de l'histoire est une réflexion sur ce et ceux auxquels nous attachons de l'importance..

L'Enfant bulle

L'Enfant bulle

Né sans aucun système immunitaire, Tod Lubitch doit constamment et depuis son plus jeune âge être sous la protection d'un environnement stérile. Sa chambre est hermétique à tout contact avec les virus et autres bactéries..

The Bubble

The Bubble

It's the glittering 80s, and Japan's bubble economy is in full swing. There is a fortune to be made for those who have the brains, determination and pure luck. Tetsuya and Tomoyo are two ordinary, but ambitious people in their prime who have chosen to take part in the money game. They hook up with self-made billionaire Okitsu, who guides them through the "Bubble." A master of the game, Okitsu plays for revenge, not money. He conspires to destroy Kurihara, a ruthless financier whose sole weakness is his only daughter. The plot twists amid a complex web mired in greed, desire and dreams. Spinning with intrigue, the ultimate game of wits has begun for stakes too deadly to imagine..

The Beanie Bubble

The Beanie Bubble

The Beanie Bubble follows the unbelievable tale of America’s most fascinating phenomenon – Beanie Babies. Flashing back to the 90’s and early 2000’s, we take an in-depth look at how the era-defining zeitgeist came to be, the mysterious man behind the mania, and the lives that were forever changed in its wake. This is not simply a retelling, but rather an exploration of the American Dream and what makes all people susceptible to buying into a fantasy..

Bitcoin: Beyond the Bubble

Bitcoin: Beyond the Bubble

If the notion of bitcoin intrigues you, yet you find yourself intimidated by the complicated techno-jargon surrounding it, then the documentary "Bitcoin: Beyond the Bubble" is for you. This incisive overview explains the intricacies of the cryptocurrency in an engrossing and easily digestible manner..

Red Arrows: Inside the Bubble

Red Arrows: Inside the Bubble

Documentary providing exclusive behind-the-scenes access to one of the world's premier aerobatic display teams, the Red Arrows. Offering a unique insight into the 120-strong team of pilots and ground crew as they prepare to celebrate their 50th display season and turn British skies red, white and blue..

The Billion Dollar Bubble

The Billion Dollar Bubble

The Billion Dollar Bubble is a 1976 film made for the BBC series Horizon and directed by Brian Gibson about the story of the two billion dollar insurance embezzlement scheme involving Equity Funding Corporation of America. The movie stars James Woods in the role of the actuary..

The Boy in the Bubble

The Boy in the Bubble

Rupert, a ten year old boy, falls hopelessly in love for the first time. When it all goes terribly wrong, he wishes never to experience heartache again. Turning to a book of magic, he invokes a spell to shield him from emotion forever..

In Debt We Trust: America Before the Bubble Bursts

In Debt We Trust: America Before the Bubble Bursts

Emmy-winning journalist Danny Schechter investigates America's mounting debt crisis in this latest hard-hitting expose. The film reveals the unknown cabal of credit card companies, lobbyists, media conglomerates and the Bush administration itself who have colluded to deregulate the lending industry, ensuring that a culture of credit dependency can flourish. Schechter exposes the hidden financial and political complex that allows the lowest wage earners to indebt themselves so heavily that even house repossessions are commonplace..