

Comment regarder The Assignment sur Netflix gratuitement

Contrat sur un terroriste

Contrat sur un terroriste

Tous les services secrets du monde tentent en vain depuis vingt ans d'appréhender un terroriste surnommé Carlos. Jack Shaw, rescapé d'un des attentats du terroriste, découvre avec son homologue du Mossad, Amos, qu'il existe un sosie parfait de Carlos, Anibal Ramirez, officier dans la marine américaine. Dès lors, un plan machiavélique se met en place, une machination dans laquelle ce père de famille va apprendre à devenir le criminel le plus recherché de la planète..



Une chirurgienne brillante et manipulatrice décide de se venger du meurtre de son frère. Elle est prête à tout pour retrouver le tueur et lui faire payer son crime….au-delà de l’imaginable. Franck Kitchen est un tueur sans pitié qui pourchasse ses proies et les abat froidement pour éxécuter ses contrats. Mais cette fois ci, le contrat, c’est lui. Un contrat motivé par un puissant désir de vengeance qui doit le mener sur le chemin de la rédemption. Après s'être fait kidnapper, Franck se réveille avec un nouveau visage... Comprenant qu’il est l’objet d’une terrible manipulation, c’est à son tour de mettre en œuvre sa vengeance : elle sera redoutable !.

The Assignment

The Assignment

School student James recieves one of the most important assignments of his schooling career - a report on a dead relative. However, once he begins researching his Great-Grandmother, he discovers secrets that will change the course of his life..

The Assignment

The Assignment

School student James recieves one of the most important assignments of his schooling career - a report on a dead relative. However, once he begins researching his Great-Grandmother, he discovers secrets that will change the course of his life..

The Assignment

The Assignment

Brian Crane is a boring kid who is failing his literature class, but due to an eccentric teacher he is pushed to overcome his awkwardness and live a better story. He is given three assignments that push him beyond his normal boundaries. In the midst of the assignments, he also has to contend with a zealous bully that wants to sabotage his success..

The Assignment

The Assignment

Harrison (David Kara) and Leo (Francis Ryan) are two mates studying together at university in Melbourne, Australia, who receive a unique assignment as part of their studies in criminal psychology... to explain how, hypothetically, they might commit a perfect murder. From writer/director James Cunningham, short film The Assignment is a slick thriller delivering a sexy modern twist on the slasher genre with heavy hints of Hitchcock, lashings of Carpenter and a pinch of Dexter... all on rooftop at sunset..

The Last Assignment

The Last Assignment

When a government assassin is asked to do one last hit before retiring for good, he finds himself befriending the target and falling in love with the target's wife and sister..

Spade: The Last Assignment

Spade: The Last Assignment

SPADE: THE LAST ASSIGNMENT is a new feature film (by Oliver Mbamara) about the career/adventures of Special Agent Spade, who goes on a last assignment to crack an international syndicate engaged in women trafficking and smuggling of African artifacts.

The Assignment

The Assignment

After playing supporting roles in police dramas, a run-down TV star runs out of money, his wife leaves him, and his girlfriend cheats on him. One day, when he's mistaken for a real cop, staying alive becomes his priority. Eurochannel presents Secret Identity, a new action-packed drama full of explosions, romance and many emotions..

L'Extravagante Mission

L'Extravagante Mission

Un jeune homme, Robert Dupont, aux tendances suicidaires et un peu benêt de surcroit, se voit sauvé par un inconnu qui se fait passer pour un banquier bien connu. Cet inconnu lui confie alors une valise pleine de mystérieux documents, qu'il lui demande d'emmener avec lui jusqu'en Indochine. Mais en réalité, la valise est bourrée de billets de banque venant d'une escroquerie....

The First Assignment

The First Assignment

Nena, a girl from the south of Italy, has to travel far from home to get her first job as a teacher. She is sad, not because she has to leave her mother and sister, with whom everything is clear and sometimes difficult, but because she is having a serious love affair with someone from her village to whom she is very committed: a young upper-middle class man who seems to sincerely feel the same. They promise that nothing will change between them. It is only until June and then she can ask for a transfer. And so she leaves, a little sad and a little curious about what is in store for her. But what she finds is completely different from what she imagined..

The Assignment

The Assignment

Ma Tsai-Tung, a vagabond, doesn't have enough money to pay for his meal in a restaurant. He is beaten up but is saved by pretty Shirley and her fiancé Buffalo Hsiung with the help of their friend Ken Chan Lee. Restaurant owner Kao, hears that Ma is still alive, so he decides to finish him off..

The Assignment

The Assignment

Mr. Saadat's [Morteza Ahmadi] daughter Manizheh [Soroor Najatollahi] has agreed to marry Engineer Mehran [Ali Shoa'i]. Mr. Saadat, a mistrustful man, has Mr. Taqi [Akbar Abdi] keep an eye on Mehran. Mr. Taqi claims Mehran is a member of a gang of heroin smugglers. It soon becomes clear the smuggler in question [Babak Shoa'i] is someone else who resembles Mehran and lives in the building where Saadat lives; Mehran and Mr. Saadat's daughter are free to marry..

L'engagement 1.0

L'engagement 1.0

Enticed by wealth and frightened by evil, Jewish French attorney "Nathan Ganzer's" life changes when he is unexpectedly detained by the French Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) and forced to endure an intense interrogation conducted by "Commissioner David". The agents accuse him of aiding suspected Arab terrorists and skillfully manipulate Ganzer into believing he will be implicated in the next attack on the French soil. Bluffing his way free of the devastating indictments, Ganzer finally discovers his ability to take control of his life and exact revenge on those trying to destroy him..