

Comment regarder Telegram sur Netflix gratuitement



In Jakarta, a young journalist struggling to escape from the confines of familiar obligations, receives a telegram informing him that his mother is dying..



Geared more for the home crowd with a good knowledge of their own history, this Romanian political comedy takes place at the turn of the 20th century, when two opposing factions are going at each other tooth and nail to win an election. One candidate is a staunch if not deluded conservative and the other is a radical liberal. Anticipating modern election campaigns by a good half a century, the two candidates decide that the best way to win is to sling as much mud as possible. Lacking the Internet and fifteen-second TV spots, they do the best they can -- they send each other virulent telegrams denouncing each other's personal failings..

TELEGRAMers: The chronicles of Russian elections in one chat

TELEGRAMers: The chronicles of Russian elections in one chat

Fear and Loathing in Saratov. Russian elections through the eyes of direct participants in the process. The story of what measures are being taken in a quite ordinary Volga region in order to “elect” the governor. Juggling documents, deception, fights and hostage-taking - this is not a complete list of what observers had to face in the elections in Saratov in 2017. The film restores the history of the voting day, recorded in the general Telegram chat..

A Telegram from Mexico

A Telegram from Mexico

Short feature film about a colonist who gets caught up in the revolution in Mexico. Back at home, they anxiously wait for news. A Telegram from Mexico is one of the short fictional films that Filmfabriek Hollandia produced before the First World War. The film, directed by Louis H. Chrispijn Sr., tells the story of Willem Vandoorn, a Dutch colonist in Mexico. When the revolution breaks out, the young man decides to go back to his homeland. He sends his parents a telegram announcing his planned return. When his journey is delayed by a rebel attack, his parents - already worried about the many dramatic newspaper articles - fear the worst. These nervous suspicions even lead the blind father to have a vision, in which he sees his son's execution..

Le télégramme

Le télégramme

Deux femmes, dans un petit village reclus, guettent l'arrivée des télégrammes, porteurs de nouvelles du front sur lequel se battent leurs fils. Le facteur paraît en bas de la rue..

Trois télégrammes

Trois télégrammes

Story is primarily based on the adventures of Antoine, a young telegraph messenger on his second night of work. He is given three telegrams, one of which is for the president of the Camber of Deputies. Excited, Antoine runs his bicycle into a truck and loses the telegrams. What follows is an amusing and agonizing search for the missing messages. He is assisted first by a glum, wise-beyond-her-years little girl, Amelie; an off-duty police superintendent, a schoolmaster, a cookie-tin maker and a fireman. The harmonica musical theme is played by Flore Falvey..



Singer-songwriter Lula Pena puts forward a short interspecies act-film, involving a screening and real-time music playing, thus also celebrating the digital transition from the Guitar to the ancient Greek Lyra..

Berlin Telegram

Berlin Telegram

Leila et Antoine se sont aimés passionnément. Antoine abandonne Leila pour une autre. A son tour, elle plaque tout, quitte son groupe de musique et sa ville; Bruxelles, n'emportant avec elle que ses instruments et son caméscope. Elle part refaire sa vie à Berlin. Une histoire de croisements, un road movie musical avec pour fil conducteur Leila, qui réapprend, en s'ouvrant au monde, à vivre après sa déception amoureuse....

The Human Telegram

The Human Telegram

To prevent a three mile journey around the mountain the telegraph wires at the construction camp have been strung over the precipice from the station on the mountain top. The operator is discharged when the superintendent suspects him of treachery and Helen is transferred to the station. Later, after the former operator has enlisted the aid of crooked brokers to use his knowledge in ruining the value of the road's stock, he receives an opportunity to get revenge on the superintendent..

The Cable Thieves

The Cable Thieves

FRAGMENT | Mac Davis runs a small press agency through which he conducts all sorts of shady business. Together with his helpers Clark and Durkins and his girlfriend Ellis he ruthlessly hustles through life. One day, the gang has a fight, and while Clark is thrown out, Durkins and Ellis decide to run away and start a new, righteous life together. Unfortunately, things don't go exactly as planned. (

The Telegram

The Telegram

The film tells about human loneliness. At times, overcoming obstacles and destructing something, we build a comfortable world for ourselves. Later, after some time we realize that we are alone in the world that we have built. But there is no way back, and losing a beloved person, we lose the whole world. “Never receive such telegrams!”.