

Comment regarder Stuck sur Netflix gratuitement

Stuck : Instinct de survie

Stuck : Instinct de survie

Une infirmière renverse un pauvre homme devenu SDF, il s'encastre dans le pare-brise de sa voiture. Au lieu de prévenir les secours, elle l'emmène chez elle, et le laisse dans son garage..



It is based on a relationship between Dan and Carla with an age gap who are at a cross-roads. Dan has been made redundant, When Carla's ex-girlfriend Maya re-appears, things start to get even more tricky..



Une entraîneuse de gymnastique est confrontée à un homme qui s'intéresse aux jeunes filles qu'elle entraîne..



Six étrangers se retrouvent coincés dans un métro bloqué à New York et tous ont une histoire à raconter..



A hot one-night stand turns into an awkward morning after when Guy and Holly get stuck in a dead-stopped traffic jam..



Darby se retrouve en conflit avec la loi et est condamnée à la détention à domicile. Elle doit maintenant passer 30 jours dans la maison qu'elle partageait avec son ex-petit ami, qu'il partage maintenant avec sa nouvelle fiancée..



A sex toy mishap leads to a night in the emergency room, where a freshly broken-up couple are forced to confront their issues on love and relationships..



Two aging lesbians have a heated argument that leads to an unexpected outcome involving a traffic accident deep in the California desert..



How long do we need machines? How long do machines need us? There comes a point when we realise that machines are virtually capable of operating without our active co-operations. All we need to do is afford them. But at what cost?.



Doctors try to pry out objects that have invaded patient's bodies in places they should very clearly not be stuck, along with interviews with patients, who will reveal details behind how did it happen..



The short film was made by each crew member working from their homes, during the COVID-19 lockdown in Belgium. As an ode to creativity and to inspire people that beautiful things can happen no matter the restrictions we face. The story follows a young woman stuck in her apartment, desperate to get out yet fully conscious about the personal responsibility she has as an individual in this global crisis..



A ballerina with a baby and a coke habit. A regret-filled sister caught between her head and her heart. A country singer hiding out in her hometown. And at the center - one woman struggling to remember them all through the veil of her fading memories. STUCK embodies the stories of five women who struggle to break free. "Stuck" explores what it would be like to be in the mind of a woman who has Alzheimer's by using semi-linear storytelling, 5 different film and video formats, and blending time periods through production design..



Fiona is stuck reliving the same day over and over again and must find a way to break the curse..



John is agoraphobic and hasn't left his apartment in over two years. After his therapist quits on him, a new therapist challenges him to leave his apartment in the next thirty days..



When two young women get stuck in a bathroom at a party, they are forced to reconcile their feelings for one another, showing us that being brave enough to speak your truth can lead to a happy ending..