

Comment regarder Straight A's sur Netflix gratuitement

N.W.A : Straight Outta Compton

N.W.A : Straight Outta Compton

En 1987, cinq jeunes hommes exprimaient leur frustration et leur colère pour dénoncer les conditions de vie de l'endroit le plus dangereux de l’Amérique, avec l'arme la plus puissante qu'ils possédaient : leur musique. Voici la véritable histoire de ces rebelles, armés uniquement de leur parole, de leur démarche assurée et de leur talent brut, qui ont résisté aux autorités qui les opprimaient. Ils ont ainsi formé le groupe de rappeur des N.W.A. en dénonçant la réalité de leur quartier. Leur voix a alors déclenché une révolution sociale qui résonne encore aujourd'hui..

Straight A's

Straight A's

Pressured by his deceased mother's ghost to return home to the family he abandoned, a former addict grabs a bag of pills and a sack of marijuana and hits the road to Shreveport..

Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight !

Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight !

L'année est en 2035 et les écoles souffrent d'un manque d'accouchement qui a provoqué la fermeture d'un grand nombre d'entre elles. Une jeune fille énergique nommée Manami Amamiya est transférée dans une nouvelle école où elle devient rapidement la présidente du conseil des élèves et commence à ramener un peu de vigueur dans la vie des élèves..

Straight A

Straight A

Struggling with maintaining his same-sex long-term relationship a secret and keeping up with his image of being the perfect straight A son, Alex must face his father and tell him the truth about his sexuality..

Straight: A Conversion Comedy

Straight: A Conversion Comedy

Straight is a hilarious and subversive excursion into the world of conversion therapy, where homosexuals are reputedly made straight. Join acclaimed writer/performer David Schmader as he plunges into the heart of this dangerous territory. Schmader, a gay man, pulls no punches with either the conversionists or the gay community in this one-man show..

A Hard Straight

A Hard Straight

A gang member, a hustler, and a small-time dealer discover that walking out of the prison gates is just the beginning of the journey to go straight..

Straight Into a Storm

Straight Into a Storm

A portrait of a hard rocking band known for their substance-fueled live performances on their evolutionary journey to become one of the greatest cult rock bands of our time..

Girl with a Straight Razor

Girl with a Straight Razor

She wakes. She walks. She kills. Driven by an instinct she doesn't understand and guided by visions of a ghostly woman in black, only one thing is certain: the blade needs to feed. And the blade needs blood..

Four Straight Guys: A Bendy Road

Four Straight Guys: A Bendy Road

Zack McHammertime's lifelong dream of becoming rich and famous just might come true as iCONS, a local singing competition, promises its victor $100 billion. To mask his total lack of talent, Zack hires backstory-less friends(?) Troy McDropthebass and Danny McMotorboat, as well as 6 foot 3-year old orphan Chad McCoolkid to form the greatest boyband the world has ever known: Four Straight Guys..

Gay or Straight: Is it a Choice?

Gay or Straight: Is it a Choice?

Homosexuality is not the mental illness of yesterday, nor the genetic defect of tomorrow. It is simply a natural variant of sexual orientation? From conjecture to investigation, this film explores the conclusions of medicine and science, as well as the opinions and experiences of men and women of all orientations. What are the biological roots of sexual orientation? Do we really have a choice?.

Nick Cave: Straight To You - A Portrait

Nick Cave: Straight To You - A Portrait

A 1993 portrait of rock singer and poet Nick Cave, a versatile artist who gained importance over the years. Jacobson also wrote the scenario that was built around a long conversation with the singer. From Australia and his work with the Birthday Party to his current city, Berlin, with The Bad Seeds..

Two Straight Girls at a Queer Fest

Two Straight Girls at a Queer Fest

Em and Jay, respectively a woman film director and her lead actress, both with an ailing career, embark on a journey between Montreal, Canada and Durham, North Carolina, where a short film of theirs is being presented at the North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. They drive a Jeep and pull a pop tent, and decide to shoot a film along the way. Nothing much happens except that they develop a beautiful friendship and debunk quite a few taboos..

Never Fall In Love With a Straight Girl

Never Fall In Love With a Straight Girl

Kari, a masculine-presenting lesbian, and Shakerra, her bisexual ex-girlfriend, are moving out of their increasingly expensive townhome in gentrified NW, Washington D.C. Although Kari still secretly loves Shakerra, she refrains from telling her and spews biphobic rhetoric about Shakerra on her blog. With Shakerra being ready to move out and move on, Kari has a limited time to tell Shakerra her true feelings..