

Comment regarder Squatters sur Netflix gratuitement



Une riche famille rentre plus tôt que prévu de vacances et tombe sur une bande de sans-abris qui squattaient leur maison . Débute alors une violente confrontation ....



A story about a grandfather who is a landowner and a granddaughter whos an aspiring writer who pretends to be squatters to know why the people are disgruntled with them..



Squatters is a feature film chronicling two days in the life of two young men and two young women, who roam the French countryside breaking into houses and living there for a few days before moving on. In the film, the group find an isolated country mansion in the south of France, break in, and spend two days involved in increasingly intense confrontations....



A group of young artists and residents of Manhattan’s Lower East Side, most of them immigrants, took over two buildings in the late 80s and turned them into self-sustainable homes and community centers. The buildings, renamed Puerta 10 and Umbrella House, gave new life to the neighborhood while catching the attention of real estate developers. Catalina Santamaría has been documenting their history since 1997 when she met one of the residents of Umbrella House. In Squatters, she incorporates video footage shot by the residents, who planned to produce their own documentary, as a tribute to a community that came together to build its own utopia..



"Squatters" is a film about a Shawn and his best friend Rodney two bill collectors striving to become entertainers one day come home to find their things out on the street and they no longer have a place to stay. After being forced to stay at Rodney mom house, they quickly learn that they need their own place to get away from mom's late night antics and random house guests..



Set in a post apocalyptic world beset with statewide shutdowns, veteran detectives are dispatched to investigate a routine homicide and unknowingly find themselves in a widespread epidemic of citizens being taken by mysterious person or persons for reasons unknown ..

Le Prince squatteur

Le Prince squatteur

Pour se faire bien voir de ses sujets, une princesse hautaine met en scène son histoire d'amour avec un homme ordinaire. Mais celui-ci se révèle plus ingénieux que prévu..

Broncho Billy and the Squatter's Daughter

Broncho Billy and the Squatter's Daughter

Broncho Billy, half crazed with liquor, enters a saloon and demands a bottle of whiskey. This he absorbs about half, which places his physical and mental condition in a state of sub-consciousness. Completely intoxicated, Broncho Billy is placed on his horse and led away. Having ridden a few miles in this condition, he falls off his mount unconscious. Mabel Clark, a squatter's daughter, discovers him by the roadside, washes off his aching brow, and brings him to..

The Squatter's Gal

The Squatter's Gal

Broncho Billy learns that part of his land is occupied by a "squatter." He orders the "squatter" evicted. The latter starts out to kill Billy, but Bessie, the "squatter's" daughter, prevents him. She pleads with Billy to permit them to remain on the land. Billy immediately falls in love with her..

The Squatters Son

The Squatters Son

The Squatter's Son is an Australian film directed by E. I. Cole based on a play which Cole and his company performed throughout Australia. It is considered a lost film..

Squatters Rights

Squatters Rights

A land grabbing robber baron attempts to chase a man and his daughter off their rightful property when he realizes a railroad will soon be going through their ranch..

The Squatter's Daughter

The Squatter's Daughter

A 1910 Australian silent film based on the popular play by Bert Bailey and Edmund Duggan. The plot concerns the rivalry between two neighboring sheep stations, Enderby and Waratah. This version includes the subplot about the bushranger Ben Hall which was not used when the play was adapted again in 1933..

Le retour des Envahisseurs Invisibles

Le retour des Envahisseurs Invisibles

Poux, punaises, puces, acariens, moustiques, tiques, mites, morpions dont nous avons cru, un moment, être débarrassés profilèrent à nouveau. Les punaises envahissent les centres villes, les poux se portent comme des charmes, les tiques pullulent. Comment expliquer le retour inattendu de ces suceurs de sang ? Les scientifiques montrent du doigt le réchauffement climatique, nos habitations trop bien isolées, nos changements de mode de vie, mais aussi les mutations génétiques de ces envahisseurs. De nombreuses recherches sont lancées et certains chercheurs n’hésitent pas à payer de leur personne..

The Squatters of the Devil's House

The Squatters of the Devil's House

"The Squatters of the Devil's House" is the choral portrait of Fercho, 'El Diablo' and 'El Jipi', ephemeral owners of a no-man's-land that is - perhaps - their only corner in the world. The ruins allow them to share the fragments of their days, survive the city and time, and become a small family. By making vestiges the foundation of their lives, their own ability to be reborn is revealed..