

Comment regarder Spooked sur Netflix gratuitement



Spooked is a contemporary conspiracy thriller arising from the mysterious death of Kevin Jones, who thought he was just buying second-hand computers, until he looked at the data left on the discs. Was kevin murdered or did he simply get drunk and crash his car? Investigating journalist Mort Whitman says he will find out, even if it kills him. The film is based on material from the book 'The Paradise Conspiracy' by Ian Wishart..



It's night-time. Brenda, a pretty young woman, is in bed. Suddenly, the light goes out. Using the light from her phone, Brenda crosses the house looking for the circuit breaker. But something stands there, lurking in the darkness..



In this brutally hilarious story there are four friends who have racist views. One of them dies and comes back to life as a negro. The racists have to tolerate him until they figure out how to lift his curse. Conflict is the essence of comedy, but in this movie racial conflict is the basis for laughter. This is not the tame sort of corny humor that is seen on TV. This is stuff that is going to knock you on your ass. Are you tired of censored comedy? Then look no further. This is as far as we can push the boundaries while still being funny..

Irlande : terre d'épouvante

Irlande : terre d'épouvante

Le médium Chris Fleming, le chercheur en paranormal Ryan O'Neill et la parapsychologue Evelyn Hollow rejoignent la présentatrice Vogue Williams pour enquêter sur des lieux hantés en Irlande..

Les Contes Fantastiques De Masha

Les Contes Fantastiques De Masha

De belles histoires pour expliquer pourquoi il ne faut pas avoir peur des monstres et des fantômes. Masha raconte, à sa façon, à son petit ours en peluche et à sa poupée, un conte appartenant au folklore russe et international. Il lui arrive parfois de mélanger plusieurs contes dans une même histoire ou d'avoir un trou de mémoire, mais elle retombe toujours sur ses pieds et sait faire preuve d’humour..

L'Exorciste chinois

L'Exorciste chinois

Cheung est un homme courageux mais un naïf qui ignore que sa femme le trompe avec son patron. Ce dernier est un riche marchand sans scrupule qui décide de se débarasser de son employé génant. Il décide donc de louer les services d'un puissant sorcier taoïste corrompu. Heureusement, son collègue qui n'est pas de son avis, entrepend d'aider Cheung à se défendre contre les maléfices qui le hantent dans la nuit..

Frankelda's Book of Spooks

Frankelda's Book of Spooks

Frankelda, a mysterious phantom writer, with the help of her grumpy enchanted book, tells terrifying stories in which girls and boys have encounters with monsters that will make them face their deepest fears..

The Spooks

The Spooks

A young clerk is delegated to sort out the affairs of a certain property. It is an old castle belonging to the city with a garden, in which nobody is really interested, but the tenants of the property do not pay rent and taxes, do not work and do not send their children to school. Correcting this state of affairs will prove difficult, because it is a family of aristocratic spirits who have so far dealt with scares and witchcraft, but do not know the material concerns of ordinary mortals and cannot imagine such a revolution in their lives..

Spooky, Spooky

Spooky, Spooky

Years ago, a village head in the Hong Kong countryside executed a man for committing adultery by drowning him in the ocean. His mistress, in attempts to flee the village, dies when she plummets into a pool of quicksand. Years later, people swimming in the ocean mysteriously vanishes, and their bodies wash ashore days later. A local policeman named Lu Hsien who practices Taoist magic believes a water ghost (presumably the ghost of the adulterer) is responsible for their deaths. Therefore, he joins forces with his colleague, Wang Hsiao-Ming, to rid the countryside of this demon before he can strike again. However, Hsiao-Ming is unaware that the ghost of the mistress, having risen out of her muddy grave, fell in love with him and will see to it that no other person falls for him..

L'Exorciste chinois 2

L'Exorciste chinois 2

Po est, depuis sa naissance, destiné à épouser la fille de Monsieur Chu, dont il est éperdument amoureux. Mais il n'est pas le seul. Sze, également sous le charme de la jeune fille est prêt à tout pour la conquérir et va même jusqu'à engager un sorcier dans le but d'évincer son rival. Mais Po s'avère être le fils d'un grand exorciste et il n'est pas disposé à se laisser faire....

La Guerre des Yokai

La Guerre des Yokai

Des pilleurs de tombes réveillent par erreur un terrible démon des ruines de Babylone. Ce dernier vole alors vers le Japon où il prend l´apparence d´un haut magistrat, multipliant les actes de vampirisation. Pour tenter d´arrêter le mal, la petite fille du fonctionnaire et un jeune paysan font appel à des Yokais, des fantômes pacifistes mais terrifiants..