

Comment regarder Space Mutiny sur Netflix gratuitement

Space Mutiny

Space Mutiny

Le Southern Sun1 est un vaisseau générationnel dont la mission est de coloniser un nouveau monde. Son voyage a duré des générations, et les passagers sont nés et mourront à bord, sans avoir foulé la terre ferme. Cet état de fait déplaît au Flight Cmdr. Elijah Kalgan, qui conspire avec les pirates de la Couronne boréale et l'ingénieur en chef MacPhearson. Kalgan endommage le système de navigation et utilise les Enforcers — la police — pour détourner le vaisseau et aller s'enrichir dans la Couronne boréale..

Mutiny in Outer Space

Mutiny in Outer Space

An expedition to the lunar ice caves contracts a deadly moon-fungus. Stopping en route they contaminate a space station with the fungus, which soon begins to take over the entire place..

Rifftrax Live: Space Mutiny

Rifftrax Live: Space Mutiny

Blast off to the 80s with Rifftrax Live: Space Mutiny! Mike, Bill, and Kevin riffed this cult classic low-budget space opera live in Nashville. Now you can watch the show from the comfort of your own home, or space golf cart, if you have one of those. This is the Big McLargeHugest show you'll ever own. It's a brand new riff, completely different from the original MST3K episode. The show stars with a live riffing of The Magic Shop, a hilariously weird short that's somehow based on a story by H.G. Wells. Also included: pre-show slides and more bonus material! Also also included: Kevin wearing a shiny space muumuu you won't soon forget..

Odin: Starlight Mutiny

Odin: Starlight Mutiny

Odin centers around the novice crew of the laser sailing space schooner Starlight as they embark on an historic interstellar test flight. They are intercepted by what seems to be a wrecked spaceship only to find that it contains a lone survivor; a young woman named Sara Cyanbaker. Unknown to the crew at this time, a mechanized space fleet approaches Earth and a scout vessel from that fleet was responsible for the destruction of Sara's ship..