

Comment regarder Solitary sur Netflix gratuitement



Un homme se réveille dans une pièce pour découvrir qu'il est un prisonnier envoyé dans l'espace pour former la première colonie de la Terre et, pire encore, son compagnon de cellule, Alana, est déterminé à tout détruire..

8m² de solitude

8m² de solitude

Il y a 100 000 citoyens américains en isolement cellulaire à travers le pays, un nombre stupéfiant qui a suscité des commentaires à la fois du président Obama et du pape. Située dans la Virginie rurale, à 300 miles de tout centre urbain, la prison d'État de Red Onion est l'une des plus de 40 prisons supermax à travers les États-Unis construites pour détenir des prisonniers dans des cellules de huit pieds sur dix pendant 23 heures par jour. Tourné sur une période d'un an, ce film révélateur tresse des images de prison austères, des histoires d'agents de correction et des réflexions intimes d'hommes enfermés en isolement. Les détenus partagent les chemins qui les ont conduits en prison et leurs luttes quotidiennes pour maintenir leur santé mentale..



Solitary is a reality show on the Fox Reality Channel whose contestants were kept in round-the-clock solitary confinement for a number of weeks with the goal of being the last contestant remaining in solitary, for a $50,000 prize..



When party-girl Nora is forced to move back home with her aging father, it seems life can't get any worse. But inside her childhood home the ghosts of her past begin to haunt her, until the secret she has buried for so long is finally revealed..



What would it be like to spend years locked in a room the size of your bathroom? Is the prolonged solitary confinement of thousands of Americans 'torture', or an essential tool to keep prisons safe? Hilary Andersson meets prisoners who have spent years in solitary confinement in the US..



A documentary hybrid about solitary confinement, following three people who have spent a combined nine years in solitary, one of whom co-directed the film..



Tells the story of Tim, a young boy trapped in one of the hundreds of Domes that are mysteriously built on the Landscape. As he copes with feelings of isolation, sadness, and loneliness, Tim’s urge to escape from the Domes grows more when the silence, that isolation had once maintained, is broken by a helping hand..



A journey to colonize an exoplanet in order to save humanity. Due to technical problems, a crew member was thrown into space. Now it's up to him can he complete the mission or if will he get lost in space?.



Two women lie accused and imprisoned in separate but adjoining cell blocks. Never having seen one another, they have formed a bond through the walls that no man can break..



After a rough breakup, a young man tries his hand at camping as an approach strategy to handle the consequential stress. Unbeknownst to him, something lurks in the shadows nearby. Mustering all his confidence and skills, he attempts to escape the impending imminente danger, and overcome the various demons both mental and physical that plague him..

A Memory of Lies

A Memory of Lies

Sara Ballard, jeune femme sujette à de fortes crises d'agoraphobie, est contrainte de rester chez elle constamment. Ses angoisses s'accentuent lorsque son mari disparait. Sa sœur et son psychiatre tentent alors de lui venir en aide, mais à qui peut-elle vraiment faire confiance ?.



A young man who wakes up alone in a locked room with no means of escape.. Naked and afraid, he doesn’t know where he is or how long he has been there. Not knowing if he will ever be released he struggles to understand what is real, and what is not..

Solitary Gourmet

Solitary Gourmet

Centered around typical Japanese food, a solitary salesman travelling through the country for business purposes, eats at its various establishments and experiences the various delicacies of Japanese cuisine..

The Solitary Swordsman

The Solitary Swordsman

Kiem Thap Tam - a great knight whose real name is unknown, his story attracts two young men who do not know the height of the world, one is the daughter of a wealthy merchant, Miss Mai, and the other has a chivalrous heart. The meaning of the name Bat Tu, they were all attracted by Sword Thirteen's generosity and freedom. This film is about the wandering adventures of this great warrior and his worshipers.....

Solitary Fragments

Solitary Fragments

Life for Adela, a single mom trying to raise her infant son, and Antonia, a widow with three daughters, are forever altered by the terrorist bombing in Madrid..

Solitary Eyes

Solitary Eyes

An isolated filmmaker struggles to connect with others in the absence of cameras. When he becomes creatively stuck, the world around him begins to dissolve..