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Secrets d'état

Secrets d'état

L'histoire vraie d'Eleanor Philby, dont le mari infiltra les services secrets britanniques pour le compte des Russes avant de finalement trahir ces derniers en 1963..

Secret d'état

Secret d'état

L’histoire vraie du journaliste Gary Webb, lauréat du Prix Pullitzer, qui a révélé l’implication de la CIA dans le trafic de drogue organisé par des rebelles du Nicaragua vers la Californie, dans les années 80..

L'histoire secrète des états-unis

L'histoire secrète des états-unis

L'histoire de l'Amérique peut être racontée de plusieurs façons. Si l'Histoire semble bien connue et relatée, il existe une autre histoire plus profonde qui a été entourée de secrets et cachée aux yeux du public..

Les Secrets des voitures des chefs d'État

Les Secrets des voitures des chefs d'État

Depuis que la voiture existe, les chefs d'État en ont fait une marque de leur pouvoir, jusqu'à les faire entrer dans l'Histoire. De la DS 19 du général de Gaulle à l'imposante « bête » des présidents américains, nous découvrons leurs secrets..

Les secrets des voitures de chefs d’État

Les secrets des voitures de chefs d’État

Leaders of small and big countries alike seem to ride in cars that somehow amplify their power. Hitler drove around in a luxurious Mercedes 770. Trump has his ultra-secure limo "the Beast." General De Gaulle tooled around in a stately Citroën DS. These cars played a key roles for their owner sand sometimes saved their lives. Discover the secrets of these prestige objects that have marked history..

Secret d'état

Secret d'état

Docteur John Marlowe, un chirurgien américain, est contacté par les authorités d'un pays de l'est européen. Elles lui demandent d'opérer le général Niva, un dictateur. John Marlowe accepte et l'opère, malheureusement le général meurt et le gouvernement, qui ne veut pas ébruiter l'affaire, remplace Niva par un sosie. Marlowe en sait trop ....

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №2. Testament Empress

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №2. Testament Empress

Having enthroned the wife of Peter the Great and his mistress Catherine I, Menshikov receives unlimited power, thereby causing envy and indignation of his former allies in the coup. Taking advantage of his absence, they are plotting against His Serene Highness. But once again, luck accompanies the brave darling of fortune: having received a warning of mortal danger, he escapes arrest and enters the boudoir of the Empress..

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №4. Overthrow Goliath

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №4. Overthrow Goliath

And the invisible battle began! It was necessary to act swiftly. Menshikov tries to snatch Peter II from the clutches of the conspirators, but they arrange an escape for the emperor under the nose of the prince's agents. Menshikov is chasing the kidnappers! Remembering that Menshikov is terrible in anger — he chopped the heads of the archers with his own hands — the conspirators hurry Peter II to sign the papers prepared in advance and, seizing them, hide together with the tsar..

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №7. Viva, Anna! II

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №7. Viva, Anna! II

Europe and Russia are shocked by the unexpected death of the young Emperor Peter II. He died at the age of 14, leaving behind neither an heir nor a will. Who will get the crown of the Russian Empire? A fierce struggle for power begins. Having chosen Anna Ioannovna, the Privy Council hoped to use her as a puppet and a screen for the implementation of their own selfish plans. But the nobles were mistaken - the people do not like eight tyrants. Let there be a tyrant, but only ONE!.

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №7. Viva, Anna! I

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №7. Viva, Anna! I

Europe and Russia are shocked by the unexpected death of the young Emperor Peter II. He died at the age of 14, leaving behind neither an heir nor a will. Who will get the crown of the Russian Empire? A fierce struggle for power begins. Having chosen Anna Ioannovna, the Privy Council hoped to use her as a puppet and a screen for the implementation of their own selfish plans. But the nobles were mistaken - the people do not like eight tyrants. Let there be a tyrant, but only ONE!.

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №3. I am the Emperor

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №3. I am the Emperor

Having married the 11-year-old Emperor Peter II with his daughter, Menshikov immediately takes him and his sister Natalia to his palace. Fearing a bad influence on the boy from the Dolgoruky and, especially, Elizabeth, with whom Peter II was in love, the prince deprives him of communication with the royal court. But his plan is to keep Peter II in possible isolation until he comes of age..

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №6. The Death of the Young Emperor

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №6. The Death of the Young Emperor

Moscow is excited about the upcoming event — the betrothal of the Emperor and Catherine. Ekaterina and Millesimo try to escape from Russia, but their conspiracy is exposed. Millesimo is brutally beaten, the fugitive is put under lock and key. Seeing Millesimo at the engagement, the shocked Catherine drops the ring, and everyone sees this as a bad sign. And that's right: exhausted by endless hunting, drunkenness and nervous shocks, Peter II falls ill. Dolgoruky keep his illness a secret..

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №8. Part 1. Hunting for a Princess

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №8. Part 1. Hunting for a Princess

Russia, 1736. The sixth year of Anna Ioannovna's reign. To strengthen the family of her female ancestors, the Miloslavskys, the Empress bequeaths the throne to the future son of her niece Anna Leopoldovna. There has never been such a thing in history that a non-existent child has become the heir. Meanwhile, for the sake of a worthy military alliance with Austria, the Empress trains Anna Leopoldovna and Anton Ulrich, Duke of Brauschweig. The mother of the future heir does not like the groom, and this is used by Peter, the offspring of Biron, and the Saxon envoy Moritz. The hunt for the princess begins between these two knights..

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №8. Part 2. Hunting for a Princess

Secrets of Palace coup d'etat. Russia, 18th century. Film №8. Part 2. Hunting for a Princess

Russia, 1736. The sixth year of Anna Ioannovna's reign. To strengthen the family of her female ancestors, the Miloslavskys, the Empress bequeaths the throne to the future son of her niece Anna Leopoldovna. There has never been such a thing in history that a non-existent child has become the heir. Meanwhile, for the sake of a worthy military alliance with Austria, the Empress trains Anna Leopoldovna and Anton Ulrich, Duke of Brauschweig. The mother of the future heir does not like the groom, and this is used by Peter, the offspring of Biron, and the Saxon envoy Moritz. The hunt for the princess begins between these two knights..