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Welcome to T & A High, where the entire student body including campus virgin Purity Busch, chronic masturbator Melvin Jerkovski, repressed Principal Stuckoff and blonde bombshell Bootsie Goodhead all must rise to the challenges of freshman breast exams, bikini cheerleader attacks, inappropriate uses of bowling ball holes and much more..



After observing his strange behavior, wealthy, self-obsessed socialite Meriam is convinced her son Edric is gay. Edric's friend Ry convinces him to frame a photo from a magazine and pretend that he has a girlfriend. The photo he chooses turns out to be up-and-coming model Shareefa, and Meriam sets out to find the girl to find out if she is an appropriate match. Meanwhile, Shareefa has three other suitors after her- Daus, a con artist who is already married to a hugely obese wealthy woman, Kiwil, the con artist's assistant, and a socially inept admirer who keeps trying to find a way to give her a rose..

Screwball '94

Screwball '94

A teenage boy awakens a ghost from an antique pot. To be reincarnated the ghost must help his present day counterpart by helping him find romance..

La screwball: une histoire de la comédie américaine

La screwball: une histoire de la comédie américaine

Pure création américaine, la Screwball Comedy a révolutionné l’histoire de la comédie hollywoodienne. Son empreinte indélébile influe encore sur le cinéma moderne et laisse même quelques héritiers comme Nora Ephron (Nuits Blanches à Seattle) ou Rob Reiner (Quand Harry rencontre Sally). Son impact lui a permis d’établir les règles de base de la comédie romantique et transforme totalement la mise en scène des relations de couples.Les plus grands réalisateurs s’y sont attelés avec notamment Frank Capra, Leo McCarey, Billy Wilder, Ernst Lubitsch, Howard Hawks, George Cukor, Preston Sturges et bien d’autres. Le genre n’existera pas plus d’une dizaine d’années, de 1934 environ 1942, mais compte pourtant pas moins d’une centaine de films. L’arrivée de la seconde guerre mondiale signera son déclin..

Loose Screws

Loose Screws

What happens when four high school screw-ups are forced to attend an academy summer school to graduate? They turn their scholastic sentence into a wacky game of trying to improve their scores... with the women. The ultimate conquest for the 100-point prize is the sexy new French teacher, but she proves to be a bigger challenge than their failing grades. The unforgiving principal foils every scheme, and their sidesplitting last chance is the academy's anniversary celebration..