

Comment regarder Replicas sur Netflix gratuitement



William Foster est le plus grand neuroscientifique du monde. Il développe un projet d’intelligence artificielle pour le compte du département de la Défense et parvient à transférer la conscience humaine dans un robot. Touché par un accident tragique, il détourne en secret sa découverte pour cloner sa famille disparue. Mais on ne rivalise pas impunément avec les dieux..



Après la mort accidentelle de leur fille de 6 ans, la famille Hughes quitte pour un temps sa vie urbaine et frénétique pour trouver le calme et le recueillement dans une maison de campagne, au milieu de nulle part. À leur arrivée, ils font la connaissance de leurs nouveaux voisins qu'ils décident d'inviter à dîner. Mais petit à petit, la soirée va se transformer en cauchemar éveillé car cette famille n'est pas tout à fait comme les autres....

Love of Replica

Love of Replica

The eldest daughter of a rich family, Xu Xi Xi wakes up from a coma and realises she has lost her memory. She falls in love with her bodyguard Lu Jin Yan at first sight. She learns from Ding Bei Fan that she is not really Xu Xi Xi, but in fact she is An Yue, someone who looks the same as Xi Xi. An Yue discovers more amazing secrets in the process of investigating the truth, while Lu Jin Yan, as a bodyguard, also has a hidden agenda..

Fate/Grand Order THE STAGE: Replica; Agateram

Fate/Grand Order THE STAGE: Replica; Agateram

2015. The last era when magic was still established. The Humane Continuity Guarantee Agency, Caldea, observes a world that can not be seen only with magic, a world that can not be measured only with science, and conducts research day and night to prevent the decisive extinction of humanity, with a preservation that preserves human history stronger than anything else Continued. One day, the future territory that had been continuing observations in Caldea disappeared, and calculations showed that humanity would be extinct in 2017-or no, it was proved. Meanwhile, "unobservable areas" suddenly appear in various places in history. Chaldea assumes that this is the cause of human extinction, and issues a mission to search for and elucidate singularities, or to destroy, "Search for the Holy Grail" --- Grand Order. Tachika and Mash, who were assigned the duties, went to a singularity that was confirmed in 1273. The singularity itself was becoming a "history that should not exist.".



Two brothers are fighting for a woman's heart and for the future of their joint project to copy human consciousness..