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Not Again!

Not Again!

Angie, a befuddled young woman, cannot seem to end a hectic day, when she's confronted by her ex, Jamie. Whisked about town on a whirlwind date, Jamie falls for Angie again, but she resists. Unfortunately, her roommate, Rita, does not and falls for Jamie anyway. It all explodes at a party attended by all and with the additions of ex girls and guys everywhere..

See and See Again

See and See Again

A family drama about the entangled conflict, love, and reconciliation of the characters around them, centered on Mammal's eldest daughter Jin Ju and Eun Ju's sister Eun Ju, who grew up with her parents' love..

One again

One again

Quatre frères et sœurs divorcés décident de recommencer à zéro et de redonner une chance à l'amour et aux rêves... à la grande désapprobation de leurs parents..

Not Fourteen Again

Not Fourteen Again

An exploration of the hopes and expectations of three working class women from Adelaide, and the differences and similarities they share with their daughters..

Smile Again

Smile Again

Raised in America by his mentally handicapped mother Anna, Dong Hae dreams of traveling to Korea to propose to the woman he loves.. After qualifying for a speed skating competition, he smuggles his mother to Korea with him, but his undying devotion to her soon begins causing him problems. Finally reconnecting with his lost love Saewa, Dong Hae finds his affections divided when things don’t work out as he planned in this award-winning daily drama..

Not to See Again

Not to See Again

Misrecognitions and simulacra. An anti-montage film: a series of discrete shots that nevertheless gel at one or two points to produce simple meanings. Hovering on the line between abstraction and representation, the film hopes to problematize them both. According to Peter Gidal, “the abstract quality (never total, for the objects are always recognizable as objects) helps Hamlyn to negotiate sexual imagery as it occurs in the film by rendering those images relatively abstract and on a par with other objects depicted. The effect is to drain the image [of the naked body] of its conventional sexual meanings and associations (with pornography, for instance) and instead neutralize it almost.”.

18 ans encore

18 ans encore

Inspiré par le film américain « 17 ans encore » de 2009. Après près de vingt ans de mariage, Jung Da Jung et Hong Dae Young semblent bien ancrés dans leur vie domestique. Fiers parents de jumeaux de dix-huit ans, ce couple dévoué a travaillé dur pour construire ensemble un foyer heureux. Mais ce qui semble être une vie idéale à l'extérieur est en fait tout sauf cela. Lassée des incessantes absurdités de Dae Young, Da Jung est au bout du rouleau. Lorsque Dae Young annonce qu'il a été licencié, Da Jung abdique complètement. Convaincue que la vie serait meilleure sans son mari, Da Jung ne perd pas de temps pour demander le divorce. Soudainement, ayant la possibilité de refaire toute sa vie, Dae Young change son nom en Ko Woo Young et s'inscrit à l'école de ses enfants. Voyant la vie sous un angle complètement différent, Dae Young découvre bientôt que, malgré le fait qu'il ait gardé son esprit d'âge adulte, il a encore beaucoup à apprendre..

Hello Again!

Hello Again!

Animated comedy with Andrei Merzlikin about the adventures of the bandit Boris who rose from the dead. He awakens in the morgue and decides to reveal the secret of his own death, enlisting the help of a young medical trainee Artem. What is the avenger capable of, who has been in the other world and is eager to punish the killers? Boris is capable of a lot..

Not to freak you out again

Not to freak you out again

"Not to freak you out again" is a personal diary film which chronicles the filmmaker's mother through a journey of illness, as told via text messages sent to the filmmaker. While these messages detail the nervous complexities of the early stages of an unknown medical condition, the footage shows a sparse domestic interior, almost brutal in its emptiness, save for a floral bouquet that bears witness to the passage of time..

Sing Again

Sing Again

'Sing Again' is an upcoming program produced by the staff of the 'Sugarman' series which aims to provide a performing stage for singers and stars who never got to see the light of stardom during their days, or stars who were once big names but are now forgotten by today's youths..

Sunny Again Tomorrow

Sunny Again Tomorrow

After being fired from her job at a TV home shopping channel, Ha-Nee decides to start her own fashion company and soon becomes involved with Han-Kyul, a merchandiser for the shopping channel..

Again My Life

Again My Life

Kim Hee Wu est un jeune procureur qui, dans sa quête de justice, s'est créé un puissant ennemi : le député Jo Tae Seob. Son acharnement lui permet de découvrir une preuve compromettante, qui mettrait définitivement fin à la carrière du député. Malheureusement, Hee Wu se fait tuer par un tueur à gage de l'homme politique, avant de dévoiler ses preuves. Sur le point de mourir, il est sauvé par un ange de la mort qui lui propose un marché : vivre, à la seule condition qu'il mette tout en œuvre pour arrêter le député Tae Seob. Il accepte l'offre sans la moindre hésitation et se réveille des années plus tôt... au lycée..