

Comment regarder National Security sur Netflix gratuitement

National Security

National Security

Earl aurait pu faire un excellent policier, mais son indiscipline et ses méthodes hasardeuses lui ont valu un renvoi définitif. Hank, lui, vient d'être mis à pied à cause de Earl qui l'a accusé d'abus de pouvoir et de harcèlement.Les deux hommes aux caractères diamétralement opposés se retrouvent bientôt employés dans une société de vigiles, National security. Un braquage va les mettre sur la piste de dangereux criminels. Un duo aussi étonnant que redoutable se met en place....

War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State

War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State

War on Whistleblowers: Free Press and the National Security State highlights four cases where whistleblowers noticed government wrong-doing and took to the media to expose the fraud and abuse. It exposes the surprisingly worsening and threatening reality for whistleblowers and the press. The film includes interviews with whistleblowers Michael DeKort, Thomas Drake, Franz Gayl and Thomas Tamm and award-winning journalists like David Carr, Lucy Dalglish, Glenn Greenwald, Seymour Hersh, Michael Isikoff, Bill Keller, Eric Lipton, Jane Mayer, Dana Priest, Tom Vanden Brook and Sharon Weinberger..

National Security

National Security

In the world of intelligence and international terrorism, Samiha performs a dangerous espionage operation in Switzerland under supervision of the Egyptian Intelligence, but in the same time she is a double agent, working simultaneously with the Mossad..

The Power Principle

The Power Principle

"Probably the best documentary ever made about American foreign policy". - Information Clearing House. Massive compliation of very valuable and trust-worthy information..