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A young woman discovers the strange reality of the town where her best friend disappeared. Now they must get out before it's too late. Evil hides in small places when a hidden miniature model reveals the truth behind its tiny inhabitants..

Un Monde en miniature

Un Monde en miniature

Dans cette série, le grand naturaliste anglais David Attenborough emmène le téléspectateur à la découverte des créatures les plus résistantes de la planète : les invertébrés. Si l'homme et l'ensemble des animaux vertébrés disparaissaient du jour au lendemain, le reste du monde s'en remettrait. Mais si les invertébrés s'éteignaient, les écosystèmes seraient menacés ; le sol perdrait sa fertilité ; la plupart des plantes ne seraient plus pollinisées ; beaucoup d'amphibiens, de reptiles, d'oiseaux, de mammifères n'auraient plus rien à manger. Et nos champs seraient recouverts de fumier et de charognes....

Best In Miniature

Best In Miniature

Best in Miniature welcomes 11 highly skilled artists from across the world to compete in the ultimate challenge: building their dream home in miniature form. The competitors will create their houses, in painstaking detail, room by room by shrinking life-size objects to 1:12 scale. While the objects may be small in stature, the stakes could not be higher..



Amsterdam, 1686. Nella Oortman épouse un riche marchand dans l'espoir de trouver amour et prospérité. A seulement 18 ans, la jeune femme découvre un monde peuplé de sombres secrets et de mystères qui lui font craindre pour sa vie..



Ginko, la fille d'un pauvre cordonnier, devient une geisha pour subvenir aux besoins de sa famille. Elle passe d'une maison de geisha à l'autre, essayant tout de même de trouver l'amour et l'espoir. Malgré tous ses efforts, elle ne peut pas échapper à son triste destin..

Cosmic Miniatures

Cosmic Miniatures

At 91 years of age, Alexander Kluge is solidly regarded as a trailblazing figure in New German Cinema and the avant-garde. He remains active and curious about media, so it’s no wonder that he recently began experimenting with artificial intelligence. He has been exploring a particular programme developed in Munich for medical research, which he systematically strains in order to find his images at the farthest ends of the system's creative faculties. With these, Kluge plays in the same essayistic fashion beloved from his television work – historical footage and a plenitude of texts, comics, charts and cabaret. In short: facts and fictions freely intermingle..

Miniatures: Many Berlin Artists in Hoisdorf

Miniatures: Many Berlin Artists in Hoisdorf

On a weekend in June 1983, in what was deemed a "country outing,“ an impressive number of artists from Berlin went to a small village in Schleswig-Holstein; their intention was to give the local residents a taste of Berlin’s avant-garde art. This event included presentations of dance, music, performance art, painting, land art and film. Back in Berlin the footage was manipulated in several ways to produce an “experimental examination.” —independent film and video database.



Amsterdam, 1686. Nella Oortman épouse un riche marchand dans l'espoir de trouver amour et prospérité. A seulement 18 ans, la jeune femme découvre un monde peuplé de sombres secrets et de mystères qui lui font craindre pour sa vie..



Miniatures explore the notion of domestic spaces and memory through the filmmaker’s family archive. A legacy of 15 years of Super8 and VHS that documents the family’s history and daily life. A cross-portrait of three generations and their very own experiences of reverie and memory..

Nature's Miniature Miracles

Nature's Miniature Miracles

It really is a big bad world out there. So what happens if you are the little guy? This film tells the epic survival stories of the world's smallest animals. To make a living, these tiny heroes have evolved extraordinary skills and achieved mind-boggling feats. From the animal kingdom's greatest artist to the tiny creatures that provide us with so much of the air we breathe, we discover what it takes to be a miniature miracle..