

Comment regarder Melancholia sur Netflix gratuitement



À l'occasion de leur mariage, Justine et Michael donnent une somptueuse réception dans la maison de la sœur de Justine et de son beau-frère. Pendant ce temps, la planète Melancholia se dirige vers la Terre….



The title sums up the mood of this elegant short film in which a woman recalls her life, locked up for 30 years in the courtyard of a building where a young man with whom she was hopelessly in love had lived. The tenants grow up, get married, die. A whole life passes..



Art critic Keller, a German ex-pat living in London, is confronted by his radical 1960s past when he's asked to assassinate a Chilean murderer who is on a visit to London..



At her wedding reception, the beautiful but depressed Justine spots a red star in the sky. It is the planet Melancholia, which is on a collision course with Earth. The bridegroom Michael tries to calm her down with his love, her mother Gaby poisons her with her darkness, and her sister Claire attempts to rescue her with her solicitude. But no-one can stop the mysterious forces ignited within Justine. And Melancholia gets closer and closer….



Un scandale sexuel entre un professeur de mathématiques et un élève d'un lycée prestigieux s'est soldé par un drame. 4 ans plus tard, ils se retrouvent, maintenant adultes, pour révéler les corruptions à l'école et regagner sa réputation d'enseignant..

The Angel's Melancholia

The Angel's Melancholia

A dark secret connects middle-aged Katze and Brauth. The former has the clue that his end is near. The two meet again after years to share their last days in the old house of their past. With three women they met on their way, the atmosphere begins to recur a second time. When artist Heinrich decides to attend, the friends have their last chance to renew and cut with the history and to settle an old score. In the melancholy of the near end, Katze passes again all the situations in his life. In the hour of death, he is not alone anymore. His body is gone and his soul stays back in the same place where his destiny and fulfillment occurred..



After having medical problems, and after a long time, Mina becomes pregnant, but she feels ignored by her husband, Hesam. Since he has become concerned and involved with the personal and family problems of his colleague Shirin, who has recently divorced from her husband....



Following her father's death Mirai moves into a house with her uncle and his wife but finds herself lost and confused as she begins to have horrible visions. Mysteriously people around her begin dying one by one and Mirai sets off on a desperate search into her past in an attempt to find the murderer. The past uncovers a mystery that is linked to startling family secret..

La Mélancolie de Haruhi Suzumiya

La Mélancolie de Haruhi Suzumiya

Haruhi Suzumiya est une fille plutôt étrange, elle n’a qu’un seul but dans la vie : rencontrer des personnes de type paranormal, que ce soit des aliens, des voyageurs du temps, des exilés de l’espace… L’étrange l’attire et elle n’aime pas trop se mêler aux gens normaux. Kyon, lui, est un jeune lycéen devenu terre à terre après avoir réalisé que tous ces phénomènes paranormaux n’existent pas. Ce dernier va se retrouver finalement dans la même classe que Haruhi et il deviendra très vite, malgré lui, son acolyte dans toutes ses fantaisies. Fort heureusement, Haruhi arrivera à embrigader d’autres personnes afin de créer une organisation aux objectifs bien étranges : la Brigade SOS. .