

Comment regarder Mayday sur Netflix gratuitement

Mayday : Dangers dans le ciel

Mayday : Dangers dans le ciel

Cette série revient sur les grandes catastrophes aériennes. Ces films, mélange de reconstitutions et de témoignages, nous plongent dans une atmosphère angoissante et un suspense haletant. Interventions des survivants et des parents de victimes, explications d’experts, étude de la boîte noire de l'avion, rapports des autorités… Un important travail d'enquête a été mené afin de tenter de comprendre les raisons de ces crashes..



Suite à la disparition d'une jeune fille, la petite communauté de Mayday s'interroge, tout en gardant le silence, chacun suspectant son voisin....



Une jeune femme, Ana, se retrouve dans un pays onirique et dangereux. Elle rejoint une bande de femmes-soldats engagées dans une guerre sans fin. Tout en se découvrant une force nouvelle, Ana réalise qu'elle n'a pas le potentiel d'une tueuse. Elle va mettre son énergie à revenir dans le monde auquel elle appartient..



Acting : Mayday
popularity : 0.785
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Mayday en streaming gratuit.



During a flight from Los Angeles to London, frequent power outages lead to passengers mysteriously disappearing one by one. With the remaining passengers lives on the line, an Air Marshal (Michael Pare) jumps into action while he tries to determine what is going on..



Twelve miles above the Pacific Ocean, an errant missile strikes a state of the art passenger jet. The flight crew is crippled or dead. Now, defying both nature and man, a handful of survivors must achieve the impossible: Land the airplane..



Janek, who has two wives, skillfully maneuvers between them. The risk that one of his loved ones will learn about a double relationship increases dramatically and every lie will have colossal effects..



Inspired by the Young Vic theatre's acclaimed production of Samuel Beckett's Happy Days, Mayday reunites Juliet Stevenson and the director Natalie Abrahami. Written by Nancy Harris, the film is a modern-day story of an isolated woman fighting to 'keep up the glamour' in the manner of Beckett's buried heroine Winnie..



Acting : Mayday
popularity : 0.409
Tous les films de "acteur / realisteur" Mayday en streaming gratuit.



A detective is led by an accidental postcard to investigate an incident at USFK base Camp Long. Camp Long is in ruins with no one coming for twenty years. In the process of gathering, defragmenting, and arranging neglected information, the detective discovers that a strange geographic data value called Camp Long ATM occupies all space and time. However, there are no traces of any ATMs or banks at the scene, and only bright red bloodstains are disguised as evidence. The film is a mystery report of a detective trying to understand the legacy of time..



After her father's disappearance, Lais returns to the family's old airport to find clues as to her whereabouts, however, with her brother's return to her life everything changes, will she find answers? Or do just more secrets and mysteries await her?.



Michel, sujet à de violents fantasmes hallucinatoires, doit affronter l’imminence de la mort durant un vol d’extradition vers les États-Unis. Il va subir d’un seul bloc ses hallucinations, le jugement des autres passagers, la fermeté du système judiciaire américain et le stress d’un crash imminent. C’en est beaucoup trop pour cet homme faible, vieillissant et perturbé..



After a traumatic collision with a rogue asteroid, a pilot is marooned on his ship in the deep black of space. He must use everything in his power to repair his ship and find a way home..



In the spring of 1970, thousand of protesters descended on New Haven to demonstrate against the trial of Black Panther members for the murder of suspected FBI informant Alex Rackley. Led by radical luminaries Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, and Tom Hayden, the demonstrators converged on the New Haven Green to vent their anger and shut Yale down. Yale President Kingman Brewster commissioned a small group of Yale students to document the demonstrations, resulting in the 22-minute black-and-white film MAYDAY..



In the spring of 1970, thousands of protesters descended on New Haven to demonstrate against the trial of Black Panther members for the murder of suspected FBI informant Alex Rackley. Led by radical luminaries Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, and Tom Hayden, the demonstrators converged on the New Haven Green to vent their anger and shut Yale down. Yale President Kingman Brewster commissioned a small group of Yale students to document the demonstrations, resulting in this 22-minute black-and-white film..



Le pilote Brodie Torrance sauve des passagers d'un coup de foudre en effectuant un atterrissage risqué sur une île déchirée par la guerre seulement pour découvrir que survivre à l'atterrissage n'était que le début. Lorsque de dangereux rebelles prennent la plupart des passagers en otage, la seule personne sur laquelle Torrance peut compter pour obtenir de l'aide est Louis Gaspare, un meurtrier accusé qui a été transporté par le FBI..



Inspired by the song The Boat Goes to the Bottom by Zap Mam, this film depicts variations on that sinking feeling. The film is made by drawing and painting on cells and paper, cut outs, photos, photocopy and optical printing..

Mayday Life

Mayday Life

Alors que la tournée Life des Mayday se déroule, cinq super-héros épuisés sont chargés de protéger l'humanité d'une force extraterrestre déterminée à imposer le silence..