

Comment regarder Lockdown sur Netflix gratuitement



Lockdown is an event series that follows a group of bored quarantined teens working together online to solve a mystery involving one of their neighbors - a mystery which ultimately places them all in danger..



Dans Lockdown, le décor, le parloir d'une prison, est indirectement une réflexion sur la situation de quarantaine et de distanciation sociale. La série comporte 12 histoires autonomes, chacune d'une durée de 10 minutes. Les crimes n'y occupent pas une place centrale, mais plutôt les sentiments de solitude, d'amour, d'espoir, d'impuissance et de désir..



Rex and his men aim to kill the homeless people living in a local deserted school hoping it'll slow an ultra-deadly strand of COVID. Now, outnumbered 100 to 1, Hap must save his little sister..



Chaos reigns in Los Angeles when three criminals, led by a psychotic mastermind named McMasters, takes over a police station and threaten to kill everyone in it unless a large ransom is paid. FBI special agent Roger Kinkaid uses his extensive knowledge in a bid to outwit the criminals and save the hostages, but one question remains: even if they get their money, how can they possibly escape?.



À l'aube d'une pandémie, six inconnus sont placés en isolation forcée dans un hôpital nigérian. Alors que la tension monte, leurs histoires s'entremêlent..



Lockdown is a comic thriller about living in quarantine. The Netherlands is hit hard by the corona crisis. This goes for Theater Group Maastricht as well. If all theaters close their doors on government orders, bankruptcy is imminent. Artistic leader Michel is very concerned. He worries about the future of his company, but also about his own health. He has asthma and belongs to the so-called risk groups. Nor does his hypochondria help. Fortunately, good friend and companion Servé comes up with a solution. What if they play the Oresteia, the play with which they would premiere soon, via the internet? Just from their living rooms? In this way they can still attract a bit of public interest and possibly close the highest financial need pending help from the government..



Featuring Soham Chakraborty, Srabanti Chatterjee, Om Sahani, Adrit Roy, Manali Manisha Dey and Rajnandini Paul, the slice-of-a-life drama has three parallel stories that meet at the climax. The COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdown affects each of the protagonists..



Struggling with feelings for her best friend, 14-year-old Marie stages an almost perfect plan. Playing dangerously with consent, Marie crosses the line as she corners her crush in a blind attempt at what she feels might be love..

Manhattan Lockdown

Manhattan Lockdown

Une course-poursuite infernale pour appréhender deux tueurs de flics à New York. L’inspecteur Davis est prêt à tout pour les coincer, d’autant qu’une gigantesque machination se dessine derrière leurs agissements. Pour les piéger, il va complètement isoler l’île de Manhattan, fermant l’ensemble de ses ponts, dans une spectaculaire opération… La traque peut commencer..



Michał returns to Poland from abroad. As a result, he finds himself in a forced quarantine in his friend's apartment..



Un groupe de personnes piégées dans la banque QBC pendant la nuit, à l'occasion des fêtes de fin d'année, se bat pour échapper à une bande de criminels qui sont déterminés à ouvrir la chambre forte avant le lever du jour. Qui survivra à cette nuit ?.



In his own natural habitat, the infamous Brussels' neighbourhood Molenbeek that appeared in the international news several times after terrorist attacks in Europe, director Koen Van Sande tells a story about paranoia and misunderstandings..



Told by her doctor to lockdown during the pandemic, Angela's chronic asthma takes a backseat to the threat to her life brought by a killer for hire..



A group of four students find themselves trapped in the same classroom when their university goes on lockdown. But soon, they realize this isn't just any lockdown. Something terrifying is out there... but the room they're in may become just as dangerous..