

Comment regarder Life Like sur Netflix gratuitement

Life Like

Life Like

Un jeune couple idéaliste et séduisant acquiert un robot magnifique et réaliste pour une aide gratuite, mais à mesure que les trois se rapprochent, leur perception de l’humanité sera modifiée à jamais..

Dead Like Me

Dead Like Me

Après le départ de Rube, George, Mason, Daisy et Roxy font la connaissance de Cameron Kane, leur nouveau chef. Celui-ci va avoir fort à faire avec ses protégés. George, qui a pour mission de récupérer l'âme d'un ami de sa sœur, va se rapprocher de sa famille. Mason et Daisy, quant à eux, vont être confrontés à leurs problèmes avec l'alcool....

7 jours et une vie

7 jours et une vie

Lanie Kerrigan, une jeune et ambitieuse journaliste de Seattle, mène une vie de rêve : elle est fiancée à Cal Cooper, un joueur de base-ball, possède un très bel appartement et devrait être prochainement engagée par l'une des chaînes de télévision les plus regardées des Etats-Unis.Mais un jour, alors qu'elle interviewe, dans le cadre d'un reportage, le prophète Jack, un sans-abri populaire, sa vie bascule. Celui-ci possède en effet un don de voyance et peut prédire à l'avance les résultats de compétitions sportives. Il lui annonce qu'elle n'a plus que sept jours à vivre.Au départ, Lanie croit à un canular, une vengeance de la part de Pete, son caméraman, avec qui elle passe son temps à se disputer. Mais comme toutes les prédictions du "clochard-médium" s'avèrent exactes, celle-ci commence à paniquer et remet en question sa vie et ses priorités....



'life/like' stages varied technological imitations of nature, and investigates the degree to which nature-as-symbol has itself evolved into algorithmic process. Utilizing the open source creative coding library p5.js, the outermost channels of video run through handmade javascript expressions modeling a spirograph and Brownian motion, respectively. The movement of the three video channels interact as interlaced found footage blends natural symbology with rote pattern, algorithmic generation, and most importantly, the visualization of both nature and technology’s operational mechanisms. These representations are themselves inevitably crude and ineffectual, yet the border at which human knowledge attempts to integrate the natural or the techno-natural into its empirical organization is the onus of potential change. In time, the competing images crescendo into a virtual reality landscape, deeply artificial yet singular in its affective potential: a parallel nature, a transhumanist Eden..

What Ya Life Like?

What Ya Life Like?

Shotgun Suge (played by himself) is an ex-drug dealer who turns his life around to pursue his promising career as an entertainer. But he had a past before his success. He grew up with Pop (Ali Rawls), who recently came home from prison. He wants revenge for the death of his brother Zay (played by 280 Zay). Pop is eager for revenge and stops at nothing for the answer to who murdered his brother. Pop learns the killer is a childhood friend from the neighborhood, Suge. This creates a war; a violent business that will test loyalty and respect as it gets dangerous beyond control..

Bui Doi: Life Like Dust

Bui Doi: Life Like Dust

A young adult Vietnamese immigrant, currently serving time in prison for armed robbery, recounts his evolution from a 13 year old immigrant to a life of crime. He relates his immigration from a Vietnamese refugee camp to California, his entry into American schools, his subsequent involvement with Asia American gangs followed by criminal activity and prison..

life, like water, flows to greater bodies

life, like water, flows to greater bodies

Using footage gathered over the last decade, the work is a mediation on nature and greater perspective. Through the images and soundtrack, modern society’s chaos of stresses in control and information give way to the natural rhythm of the surrounding culture—an exhalation toward a power in collective cohabitation..

A Life Like This

A Life Like This

A documentary portrait, highlighting the lived experiences and creative work of four outsider artists working and living with disability in Central Pennsylvania. Artists with disability, both mental and physical, consistently face discrimination, inequity, and underexposure at both local and national levels. This film aims to de-stigmatize an underrepresented demographic of artists as it tells the four unique stories of Malcolm Corley, Adam Musser, Sybil Roe Thompson and David Nolt who create as a means to communicate and express how art shapes and impacts their lives..