

Comment regarder Lady in White sur Netflix gratuitement

The Grudge: Old Lady in White

The Grudge: Old Lady in White

Un jeune garçon assassine méthodiquement les cinq membres de sa famille et se pend ensuite. Il laisse une cassette sur laquelle on peut l'entendre dire « Go… Go now » en chœur avec une étrange voix féminine. Cette voix appartient à une victime du massacre, la copine d'école et meilleure amie d'Akane, une adolescente. Lorsqu'elles étaient jeunes, elles portaient des chapeaux jaunes et des sacoches rouges à l'école. Akane, qui possède des dons surnaturels, commence à avoir une vision : le fantôme d'une femme portant un chapeau jaune et une sacoche rouge..

Les fantômes d'Halloween

Les fantômes d'Halloween

Enfermé dans un placard d'école pendant Halloween 1962, le jeune Frank est témoin du fantôme d'une jeune fille et de l'homme qui l'a assassinée il y a des années. Peu de temps après, il se retrouve traqué par le meurtrier et est rapidement attiré par une vieille maison où vit une mystérieuse Lady In White. Lorsqu'il découvre le secret de la femme, il découvre rapidement que le meurtrier peut être un proche de lui..

Lady in White

Lady in White

When a new employee from a well-off family begins working for the first she had understood that she is walking into a fabulous working environment. This is what they call a 'white company.' Instead, she is in for a rude shock when the employer turns out to be a 'black company,' which is one with a negative environment, a rude boss, problematic co-workers, abuse and low pay. The employee's father runs a company that happens to go broke. She herself is not a model employee exactly however..

The Lady in White

The Lady in White

After a bad omen occurred at Seroja’s engagement ceremony, her family decided to postponed Seroja from getting a henna tatoo. Instead, she is asked to drop off an offering of betel nuts at her grandmother’s..

Lady in a White Coat: Lewd from the Front and Back

Lady in a White Coat: Lewd from the Front and Back

Hiromi Katori, a new employee, felt unwell during work and went to the infirmary. Then, instead of the usual Maki Kitagawa, the person there was Hanako Minamida, a flashy middle-aged stranger. Hanako tells her girlfriend Katori that the nervousness of her trying to force herself to apply to the company is causing her to lose her mental and physical balance. While telling him that she doesn't have to be useful to the company and that she should not lose her individuality, Hanako gently places him on the bed and takes her dick in her mouth..

The White Lady

The White Lady

This castle has its own ghost - a mysterious White lady. She emerges from the painting on the wall when someone speaks out magic formula. White lady is good ghost, she can make someone's wishes true. Even if it is a new duct. But a miracle is not the thing that Communist leaders want in the town..

The Lady with the White Hat

The Lady with the White Hat

Documentary about the abuse of psychiatry for political purposes in the former Soviet Union. Hanna Michailenko, an Ukrainian schoolteacher from Odessa was locked up in a psychiatric ward from 1980 until 1988 for refusing to work for the Soviet Secret Service, the KGB..

Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady

Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady

In a quiet resort town Haapsalu four kids are spending their summer holidays together. Suddenly they are dragged into events that started in the 15th century in the local bishop's stronghold. The children must solve a difficult mystery of a clock robbery and they have to find a treasure that has been lost for centuries and contains a formula of making gold..

Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady

Kid Detectives and the Secret of the White Lady

In a quiet resort town Haapsalu four kids are spending their summer holidays together. Suddenly they are dragged into events that started in the 15th century in the local bishop's stronghold. The children must solve a difficult mystery of a clock robbery and they have to find a treasure that has been lost for centuries and contains a formula of making gold..