

Comment regarder How high sur Netflix gratuitement

How high

How high

Silas et Jamal cultivent une variété de marijuana qui donne la possibilité à quiconque la consomme d'augmenter exponentiellement son Q.I..

How High 2

How High 2

Deux jeunes fumeurs de joints doués en affaires traversent Atlanta pour retrouver leur weed, qui a disparu, mais les choses ne sont pas si simples....

Les nanas jouent et gagnent

Les nanas jouent et gagnent

Dans l'Oregon en 1980, Jane, Elaine et Louise, trois femmes au foyer coquettes et amies depuis l'enfance, sont confrontées à la récession et ont beaucoup de mal à arriver à la fin du mois. Le centre commercial local organise un concours dont le prix est une boule géante remplie d'argent... Les trois jeunes femmes y voient le parfait remède contre la crise et élaborent le plan parfait pour subtiliser l'argent !.

How High Is Up?

How High Is Up?

The stooges are the 'Minute Menders', three tinkers who live under their car. The boys decide to drum up some business by punching holes in the unattended lunch boxes of some workmen. When they're caught in the act, they escape and accidentally get hired as riveters on a new building, working on the 97th floor. Their ineptitude and lousy workmanship screw up construction of the building and they must parachute off the building to escape the wrath of the boss..

Mon plus beau souhait

Mon plus beau souhait

Alors qu'une lycéenne fait le souhait d'épouser le garçon sur lequel elle craque, la star de l'équipe de football qui ignore totalement son existence, une éclipse solaire la transporte 17 ans dans le futur, le jour de leur mariage..

High Flyers: How Britain Took to the Air

High Flyers: How Britain Took to the Air

Documentary which tells the story of the golden age of British aviation and of how the original 'jet set' shaped air travel for generations to come. In Britain in the 1920s and '30s a revolution took place that would change forever our perspective on the world. While the country was in the grip of recession, dashing pilots and daring socialites took to the air, pushed back boundaries and forged new links across the globe. The era of commercial air travel was born..

How High Is The Mountain

How High Is The Mountain

In this documentary, director Tang records his own son's birth and growing up, his father's recovering from a stroke and a nostalgic trip home to China. (In the 1940's his father evacuated with the Nationalist troops to Taiwan after it lost the Mainland to the Communist in the war. It wasn't until 1980's were people allowed to go home to visit in Mainland China). From his search for the earliest memory of life, with a close observation and sensitivity, he exams the parallels of the different lives of a different time. In his previous work, "HOW DEEP IS THE OCEAN," director Tang ends it with the ultrasound image of his unborn child, representing the beginning of a new life. With this work, "HOW HIGH IS THE MOUNTAIN," it is rather a beginning of a series of questions about life and a continuation of examination of his own life and the longing of a perfect world..

The High-Altitude Gene or How to Get to Everest

The High-Altitude Gene or How to Get to Everest

The film crew of Valdis Pelsh joined the expedition of Russian climbers to Mount Everest in order to climb the highest mountain on Earth. The first expedition was interrupted by a series of earthquakes. In 2016, the group returned to the foot of Mount Everest to tell the story of its conquest and show from beginning to end the process of climbing to the main peak of the world..

how much is it uncomfortable for dogs to step out on a highway?

how much is it uncomfortable for dogs to step out on a highway?

The primary motif of the documentary is the journey. A metaphorical journey, a spiritual journey, a tangible journey, a forest path, a road, a sidewalk, a drug trip, or a journey abroad. The director pastes together a collage of micro-stories of people and places that comment on the journey. Her documentary oscillates between playful absurdism, existentialism and existential questions, environmentalism, and social commentary. The dynamism and rhythm of the narrative are then determined by the jumps between different forms of video, such as analogue film, digital film, and mobile phone filming..

How Drugs Work

How Drugs Work

Using visual effects and CGI the effects of drugs on the human body are examine, and the myths and controversies that surround them confronted..



ECSTASY is a contemporary and relevant film about how drugs transcend all borders of society and affect every facet of our lives. But when it leaves it takes away your soul. A new party drug arrives on the rave scene in a college town and is consumed openly by young people. It's irresistible making you feel invincible, beautiful, intelligent and loved. This haunting psychological thriller centers around a mother's struggle to save her daughters from going down the same dark path she once took, a handsome jock's (Charlie Bewley, from "Twilight - New Moon") misplaced faith in God stemming from the temptations that surrounds him, and three college girls horrific experience with their drug-induced guilt, fears and demons.

Les Bons Vivants

Les Bons Vivants

Film en 3 sketches. (1) La Fermeture : Le 13 avril 1946, par un décret scélérat, la malédiction s'abat sur une industrie millénaire. Du triste destin d'une main d’œuvre hautement qualifiée que l'Europe nous enviait. Comment M. Charles (Bernard Blier), tenancier d'une maison de tolérance qui en vint à prédire l'ascension sociale pour Lucette Granu sa meilleure pensionnaire à qui il offrit la Lanterne Rouge de la devanture, en marque de son estime. (2) Le Procès : Où il est prouvé que le mérite trouve toujours sa récompense, d'un mauvais choix dans le butin fait par un casseur novice. Comment, en justice, une lanterne n'éclaire pas forcément les débats, aussi la baronne se rebiffe. (3) Les Bons Vivants : De quelle manière une bonne action fit passer M. Léon Haudepin (Louis de Funès) du célibat morose à une riante vie de société. Comme quoi une maison remplie d'amis est un bienfait des dieux. Basses calomnies... La lumière éclate, éclairant les triomphe d'un cœur pur..