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The starting point for "Hopeless" is a song of the same title, recorded by the group "Evangelista". The song is about an impossible love for Louise Brooks, impossible because she died in 1984. I liked its energy and humour. I downloaded a section from G.W.Pabst's film Pandora's Box (1929), together with a number of publicity shots of the star, and re-worked them to accompany the song..



For the last two years, Ben has watched his best friend Phil have a sickeningly fantastic relationship with Maryann, the woman Phil snatched from under his nose. When Phil says he’s moving to Australia, this ‘perfect’ relationship starts to fall apart. Maryann asks Ben to fix things up. Unfortunately the more time Ben spends with Maryann, the more he’s attracted to her..



Todd and Maddy a married couple engages in wild deviant behavior which brings them down a dark dangerous path that pushes Bobby to rescue them all..



Pour fuir une vie sans avenir et sans espoir, un jeune homme est entraîné dans une spirale de violence qui le conduira au cœur d’une organisation criminelle menée par un leader charismatique..

Hopeless Pictures

Hopeless Pictures

Hopeless Pictures is an American animated comedy series starring the voice of Friends actress Lisa Kudrow, Seinfeld guest actor Bob Balaban, and produced and broadcast by the IFC. The cartoon follows fictional film producer Mel Wax, voiced by Michael McKean, in a spoof of the Hollywood movie industry. Stylistically the show makes use of the audio from scripted telephone conversations combined with on-screen gags surrounding the cartoon characters speaking..

Olivia: Hopelessly Devoted to You

Olivia: Hopelessly Devoted to You

La très populaire chanteuse australienne Olivia Newton-John est le sujet de ce drame émouvant sur sa brillante carrière. La série en deux parties retrace la vie personnelle étonnante de la chérie australienne..

Hopelessly in Love: Faith Evans and Notorious B.I.G.

Hopelessly in Love: Faith Evans and Notorious B.I.G.

This is about the intense and tragic marriage between Faith Evans and the Notorious B.I.G. But at its core, it’s a story about infidelity –the roots of it and the consequences of it –for the couple and the culture at large. Twenty years after the iconic rapper’s murder, Faith Evans is ready to confront her pain and revisit the most intimate moments of their relationship…from their whirlwind engagement, to Biggie’s ongoing affairs with Lil’ Kim and Charli Baltimore, to the East coast/West coast rivalry that led to Tupac and Big’s deaths..

Désespérément romantique

Désespérément romantique

Matt Sandoval et Elizabeth Brown sont amis depuis des années. Lorsque Matt décide de demander Alexis, la fille canon avec qui il sort et dont il est éperdument amoureux, en mariage, il s'entraîne d'abord avec Liz. Matt est un vrai romantique et veut que tout soit parfait. Mais lorsqu'il fait sa demande à sa petite amie, elle refuse et souhaite faire une pause. Malheureux, et sur les conseils de son meilleur ami Adam, Matt décide de rendre Alexis jalouse en lui faisant croire qu'il sort désormais avec Liz, qui se laisse prendre au jeu....

The Brutal Hopelessness of Love

The Brutal Hopelessness of Love

Famous movie actress Nami is being interviewed by a magazine reporter about her new film in which the plot resembles her real life. Her actor husband Yosuke has an affair with a young actress Junko whereas in the movie, Nami acts as an actress whose husband has an extramarital relationship with a young girl, with Yosuke as the husband and Junko as the new girl friend. In the course of the interview, Nami falls into deep thoughts and flashbacks about her lascivious encounters with strangers in a night train, in the movie as in the reality. Despite whether her intention is to revenge her husband or to satisfy her own desires, Nami demonstrates bewitching charm in a series of intercourse with different men, positions and locations. Director Takashi Ishii attempts to explore female sexual psychology through perfect blends of aesthetic nudity and violence..

Hopelessly In Love

Hopelessly In Love

Emotional new interviews and never-before-seen footage reveal untold secrets in the most iconic yet calamitous celebrity unions in pop culture history..

Hopeless Romantic

Hopeless Romantic

Everyone has a different story to tell, especially when it comes to relationships. Lynda Boyd stars as Anna, a recently widowed cardiologist facing romantic challenges. While attending a wedding, Anna discovers she is not alone and bonds with six other women as they each share their unique stories of navigating the complex world of relationships. This anthology film weaves through the love lives of these women, charting their ups and downs in romance and rejection..

The Hopeless Ones

The Hopeless Ones

O.K. so the serious bad-ass badman Firat can not have this gorgeous blonde with huge hair and equally huge false eyelashes not because he is a bad-ass outlaw that she will have to worry about reading his obituary every day. They can not consummate their passions because... now brace yourself, because Firat's badman partners won't allow him (Firat is the top crime dog) to have a girl friend..

These Hopeless Savages

These Hopeless Savages

When big news comes in for the constant bachelor Shawn, he makes it a mission to visit everyone who has shunned him for years. This includes his old friend Greg - a children's musician living in the cozy, domestic confines of Brooklyn. After the two old friends hit some hilarious re-acquainting pains, they soon hit the American road for a trip that will show them the gifts and the costs of real friendship..