

Comment regarder Hellbent sur Netflix gratuitement



A West Hollywood, pour la parade d'Halloween, des milliers de personnes ont revêtu les costumes les plus déments et les plus fabuleux. Le sexe, la drogue, le rock'n roll envahissent les rues. Mais un serial killer, collectionneur de têtes, s'est glissé parmi les fêtards. Un groupe de quatre amis, pris comme cibles par l'assassin, va tenter de survivre à cette fête d'enfer....



A 16-year-old runaway enlists a fugitive drifter to take her on a cross-country journey to meet the father she's never known..



In a small rural town in Pennsylvania, the refuge of a rare salamander and the only source of clean drinking water for 700 people is threatened by the installation of a fracking waste injection well, prompting community members to band together to fight for the rights of their people and nature..



Michael is a writer for Brimstone Magazine. A promotional opportunity comes up and Michael sees this as a way to prove himself as a top writer, and also pay his rent. After discovering that the elderly secretary of the magazine likes to summon a demon for company, Michael bases his article on that..



Après être sorti avec la plus jolie fille de Spring Break, un playboy très riche connaît un bouleversement radical dans sa vie. Avec l'aide d'un mystérieux étranger, Adam doit combattre un succube déterminé à prendre sa revanche..

Hell-Bent for Election

Hell-Bent for Election

Un morceau réélection à part entière pour le président Franklin Delano Roosevelt au détriment de candidat présidentiel républicain Thomas Dewey. Roosevelt est dépeint comme un train express diesel simplifié dans une course contre Dewey, un train à vapeur usés. Le public est averti de «passer derrière le président pour rester dans la course à la victoire.".

Hellbent: A Hellraiser Chronicle

Hellbent: A Hellraiser Chronicle

The illegal drug supply in a small English town dries up, causing addict Whitfield to take desperate measures. On a cold turkey night, he comes across a tramp who offers him a box that will give him what he wants..

Hell-Bent for Heaven

Hell-Bent for Heaven

Sid Hunt and Jude Lowery are Carolina sweethearts but hired-hand Rufe Pryer also has his eyes on her. Rufe lies to Andy, Jude's brother, and a family-feud is started when Andy goes gunning after Sid. But Sid quiets the drunken Andy, and is taking him home when a shot is fired from ambush and Sid's horse comes home riderless. But he shows up unhurt, and the jealous-maddened Rufe sends him on a ruse to the big dam. Rufe sets off a dynamite explosion to catch Sid in the swirling waters but Jude is the one who is caught..

Hellbent on Boogie

Hellbent on Boogie

Alan returns to his small Floridian hometown to find his sister Quinn all grown up. But when he discovers that their overbearing mother is sheltering Quinn because of her autism, he hatches a plan for them to run away together so that Quinn can pursue her dream of becoming a professional dancer..

La Fureur des hommes

La Fureur des hommes

A la recherche de son père, le candide Tod Lohman quitte l'Iowa pour le Far West. Il provoque accidentellement la mort de l'un des fils de Hunter Boyd, un riche propriétaire. Ce dernier lance à sa poursuite ses autres fils, Otis et Tom, accompagnés de quelques hommes. Tod fait sans vraiment le vouloir une nouvelle victime, Otis. Traqué, le jeune homme s'enfonce à pied dans le désert....

Grim Prairie Tales

Grim Prairie Tales

Two travelers meet on the open prairie, and pass their time together by trading stories with each other. Their tales become a sort of competition, each attempting to relate something which might disturb the other..