

Comment regarder Gorilla sur Netflix gratuitement



When a gorilla breaks out of the local zoo, it's up to Scott Wilson and his stalwart partner Jonesy to set things right..



In this adventure, set deep within the Belgian Congo, a local witch doctor decides the only way to stop a rampaging gorilla from terrorizing his people is to sacrifice a new-born baby. Meanwhile a local game warden and a journalist researching a story on the natives team up to stop the crazed simian..



On a weekend away, a newly formed couple are forced to face the unknowns in their lives when a mysterious woman arrives at their secluded campsite..



Gorilla is a ten-minute children`s drama about a six-year-old Alli who tries to get into her big sister`s lovely princess room to play with her sister and her friend. The big girls won`t play with Alli but instead call her a gorilla because she is so scruffy. But Alli won`t give up and does everything to get into the big girls` game..



Hollywood, 1952. Henry Corso performs as a costumed gorilla on horror movies and adventure movies. For Jungle Jenna, he must terrorize the leading actress lost in a fake jungle. But scaring the woman he desires is going to be particularly tricky for the gorilla man..

Magilla le gorille

Magilla le gorille

Cette série animée met en scène un gorille nommé Magilla que son propriétaire M. Peebles, patron d'une animalerie, souhaite à tout prix vendre. Magilla lui revient en effet trop cher en raison de sa forte consommation de bananes. Malgré toute l'énergie dépensé par M. Peebles pour tenter de se débarrasser définitivement de son gorille, Magilla finit toujours par revenir dans la vitrine de l'animalerie, parfois malgré lui. Une petite fille prénommée Ogee considère l'animal comme son ami et souhaite l'acheter, même si celle-ci n'a pas assez d'argent..

Garrison's Gorillas

Garrison's Gorillas

Garrison's Gorillas is an ABC TV series broadcast from 1967 to 1968; a total of 26 hour-long episodes were produced. It was inspired by the 1967 film The Dirty Dozen, which featured a similar scenario of training Allied prisoners for World War II military missions. Garrison's Gorillas was canceled at the close of its first season and replaced by The Mod Squad in 1968. It managed to gather a cult following in China in the 1980s..

Gorilles dans la Brume

Gorilles dans la Brume

En 1966, Dian Fossey, une jeune Américaine, obtient l'autorisation d'aller recenser les gorilles dans les montagnes du Zaïre. Avec un pisteur, Sembagare, elle réussit à s'installer à proximité d'un groupe de primates et à s'en faire accepter. Mais une guerre civile déchire le Zaïre, et Dian doit quitter le pays. Elle se réfugie au Rwanda où elle crée, sur les hauts plateaux, le centre de recherche de Karisoke. Là, elle déclare la guerre aux braconniers qui vendent les jeunes gorilles aux zoos et coupent les mains et les têtes des singes pour en faire des souvenirs. Elle s'attire de nombreuses inimitiés, qui mettent sa vie en danger....

Gorilla and the Bird

Gorilla and the Bird

Zack, a public defender with the Legal Aid Society of New York, suffers a sudden psychotic break that takes him on a harrowing journey of delusions and antisocial behavior, resulting in his arrest and commitment to Bellevue. As he fights to regain his sanity, Zack (the Gorilla) turns to the only person who didn't give up on him — his mother (the Bird)..

Gorillaz : Humanz Tour - Zenith Paris

Gorillaz : Humanz Tour - Zenith Paris

Après sept ans de silence, Gorillaz, toujours emmené par le génial Damon Albarn, revient électriser les scènes internationales au fil d'un «Humanz Tour», du nom de leur cinquième album, dans les bacs depuis avril 2017. Le 25 novembre 2017, les caméras de Canal+ ont capté l'un des concerts événements de cette tournée mondiale..

Gorilla Gang

Gorilla Gang

In this German detective thriller, swindlers using a false charity as a front send a hit man around London to murder wealthy people whose deaths can benefit the organization. This film is one of a very large number of German Scotland-Yard thrillers based on the novels of Edgar Wallace..

Gorillaz: Reject False Icons

Gorillaz: Reject False Icons

Focused on the life of the band and their collaborators over the 3 vital years in which they developed critically acclaimed albums, 'Humanz' and 'The Now Now', and undertook their most ambitious world tour to date..

Snowflake, le Gorille Blanc

Snowflake, le Gorille Blanc

Malgré son succès auprès du public du zoo, Snowflake un gorille blanc rêve de la même apparence que ses semblables. Convaincu qu'une sorcière pourrait réaliser son souhait, il quitte le parc animalier en compagnie de la petite Paula et Ailur un panda roux. Toutefois, un homme, Luc de Sac, cherche à s'approprier le coeur de Snowflake qui, selon lui, apporterait la chance..

La cura del gorilla

La cura del gorilla

A bodyguard with split personality is hired to protect an elderly American actor sent to Italy to promote a western video game. They get on each other's nerves but eventually form a bond. He also meets a pretty social worker with problems..

Bride of the Gorilla

Bride of the Gorilla

The owner of a plantation in the jungle marries a beautiful woman. Shortly afterward, he is plagued by a strange voodoo curse which transforms him into a gorilla. But is his transformation real or is it all in his head?.