

Comment regarder Girls in Prison sur Netflix gratuitement

Girls in Prison

Girls in Prison

Framed for the murder of a record company president in 1952 Hollywood, young, aspiring singer Aggie O'Hanlon is sentenced to life in prison and tries to adjust to her life life behind bars in a hellish womens prison where she is befriended by other "lifer" inmates who help her out when Aggie finds herself marked for murder by an unknown source who thinks she knows more about the murder than she does..

La prison des tortures

La prison des tortures

Une prison clandestine en pleine jungle,ou des personnes otages et kidnappées sont enfermées.Le chef : un sadique qui s'acharne particuliérement sur la fille d'un diplomate en possession d'un microfilm qu'il veut revendre..

Woman Prisoner No. 407

Woman Prisoner No. 407

Kang-hie recalls from her cell how she was used by Japanese detectives to track down and destroy the Korean Independence fighters. She manages to escape from prison during a break and proceeds to hunt down her former lover who was a Japanese agent..