

Comment regarder Frozen in Time sur Netflix gratuitement

Frozen in Time

Frozen in Time

Patty and Eric Purtle visit their Grandfather for Christmas. After accidentally breaking a clock in his workshop, they then find themselves repeating Christmas Eve. together they must fix time and make Christmas enjoyable for their family..

B-29 Frozen in Time

B-29 Frozen in Time

NOVA accompanies famed test pilot Darryl Greenamyer and his intrepid crew on a perilous mission to repair and re-fly a B-29 bomber stranded on the Greenland icecap since 1947. In the face of incredible hardships, the team struggles to bring the old warbird back to life..

David Blaine: Frozen in Time

David Blaine: Frozen in Time

On November 27, 2000, Blaine began a stunt called "Frozen in Time", which was covered on a TV special. Blaine stood encased in a massive block of ice located in Times Square, New York City. He was lightly dressed and seen to be shivering even before the blocks of ice were sealed around him. A tube supplied him with air and water while his urine was removed with another tube. He was encased in the box of ice for 63 hours, 42 minutes and 15 seconds before being removed with chain saws. The ice was transparent and resting on an elevated platform to show that he was actually inside the ice the entire time..

Mummies: Frozen in Time

Mummies: Frozen in Time

From the western steppes of China to the moors of Northern Europe, well-preserved ancient humans continue to be found, and with each comes a unique and compelling glimpse into life in the past..

Eises Kälte - Frozen in Time

Eises Kälte - Frozen in Time

When Commissioner Karen Leymann is called to the crime scene in the ice cellar of Altenberge, she does not suspect that her life will change as well. The corpse, a man of about 50, is said to have been lying there for about 140 years in a randomly rediscovered part of the basement. However, the body is not decayed and it still bleeds. Karen and her colleagues can not figure it out. The case is closed due to the age of the body. Karen nevertheless returns to the cellar as she feels a personal connection to this case and witnesses events that took place around 1860 in Altenberge. Together with her colleagues, she wants to understand the mystery and clarify the murder - An exciting thriller about the ice cellar in Altenberge / Münsterland/Germany..

High Tatras – Wilderness Frozen in Time

High Tatras – Wilderness Frozen in Time

An old Slovak legend says: When God created the Earth, He distributed beauty to angels to spread it over the lands. The youngest of them wanted to shorten his way through the high mountains. However, he did not manage to take off higher with the burden. He tripped on one of the sharp shields and all his beauty was scattered across the surrounding valleys. The ancient Slavs gave the wild mountains full of game and superstition the name of the Tatras. Today we know that they are the smallest mountains in the world. Try to look carefully into their kingdom with us. Quietly look around and let your thoughts be carried away by the majesty of nature. You may touch the knowledge of how everything relates to everything in this world. And maybe you will understand your responsibility to preserve the wilderness, which should remain here for future generations as if frozen in time..

Les métamorphoses du continent blanc

Les métamorphoses du continent blanc

Tandis qu’en été les aurores boréales envahissent le ciel, les baleines reprennent leur souffle à la surface des flots, dans un ballet savamment orchestré. Si les manchots empereurs préfèrent fendre l’eau, semblables à des torpilles sous-marines, les phoques affamés plongent, eux, à la recherche de petits crustacés. Quant aux îles subantarctiques de Nouvelle-Zélande, verdoyantes et exemptes de glace, la vie s’y épanouit de façon remarquable comme en témoignent les impressionnantes colonies de manchots, qui s’y ébattent à proximité de volcans. Aujourd’hui, les effets du réchauffement climatique sur la biodiversité et le cycle de la glace, qui favorisent certaines espèces au détriment d’autres, peuvent-ils mettre en danger la faune antarctique dans son ensemble ? Une spectaculaire exploration d’un continent blanc encore empreint de mystère..

Baltazar Ushka, The Frozen Time

Baltazar Ushka, The Frozen Time

Chimborazo, Ecuador. At 6,267 meters high, in one of the world´s highest volcano, the Chimborazo, Baltazar Ushka has been working for more than thirty years now. He works chopping ice out of the glacier, later to be used to cool fruit juices at the popular market in Riobamba, Ecuador. This documentary travels through time in a circular way, to create a life´s portrait of the last Chimborazo Ice Man. It's the second part of the most famous and award-winning documentary in Ecuador: Los Hieleros del Chimborazo. 1980..

God Don't Make the Laws

God Don't Make the Laws

Does time exist when nothing changes? That is the question for the picturesque Village of Rockwell, where time has frozen. Nobody gets sick; nobody ages, and nobody dies due to a tragic bus crash that took the lives of the 1977 undefeated Rockwell High School Basketball Team..