

Comment regarder From Nowhere sur Netflix gratuitement

Girl From Nowhere

Girl From Nowhere

Une fille aussi mystérieuse que brillante appelée Nanno passe d'une école à l'autre, dévoilant dans la foulée les mensonges et méfaits des élèves et professeurs..

The Man From Nowhere

The Man From Nowhere

Ancien agent spécial, Tae-sik a perdu sa femme dans un incident malheureux. Aujourd’hui, il vit en solitaire et exerce le métier de prêteur sur gages. Il ne voit que ses clients et So-mi, la fille de son voisin. Isolés du monde, Tae-sik et So-mi passent beaucoup de temps ensemble et deviennent amis. Un jour, So-mi a soudainement disparu, Tae-sik retourne à la « civilisation » pour la retrouver. Pour garder sa seule et unique amie, il affronte le crime organisé et passe un deal avec une organisation criminelle. Cependant, il n’arrive toujours pas à retrouver la trace de So-mi. Désormais, Tae-sik est tracé par la police et l’organisation criminelle. Peu à peu, le passé secret de Tae-sik commence à ressurgir….

From Nowhere

From Nowhere

Three undocumented teenagers, a Dominican girl, an African boy and a Peruvian girl, are about to graduate high school in the Bronx, while working with a teacher and a lawyer to try to get their papers to stay in the USA. Forced to grow up prematurely and navigate problems most adults don't even have to face, they're really just American teenagers who want to be with their friends, fall in love, and push back against authority..

Dojo Challengers, Samurai from Nowhere

Dojo Challengers, Samurai from Nowhere

Misawa Ihei est rônin maître du style Shindo-Muso, qui a fui son clan et vit modestement dans une auberge parmi des miséreux. Pourchassé, il a besoin d'argent pour passer la frontière et s'échapper du fief. Mais les petits emplois qu'on lui offre n'étant pas suffisant, il se résout à pratiquer le défi de Dojo, qui consiste à défier en duel le senseï d'un dojo contre une forte somme d'argent, pratique honteuse du point de vue d'un samouraï. C'est alors qu'il rencontre Oba Gunjuron un rônin qui pratique aussi le défi de dojo....

From Nowhere at All

From Nowhere at All

Marquitos is wandering around the city when he crosses paths with Zurdo, an old friend with whom he shares an ambiguous relationship that oscillates between friendship and eroticism. Together, they flee from the fate that the city has in store for them, and embark on a journey toward the Delta..

Man From Nowhere

Man From Nowhere

Quelque part dans le grand Ouest américain, le bandit Gordon et sa bande libèrent un groupe de prisonniers. Le chef des malfrats leur propose de se joindre à lui ou d'aller périr dans le désert. Arizona Colt choisit la seconde option, devenant aussitôt le pire ennemi de Gordon, qui jure de se venger dès qu'il en aura l'occasion. Seul, Arizona prend la route de Blackstone City, objectif de Gordon, qui souhaite s'emparer de l'argent de la banque. Lorsque l'un des hommes de Gordon tue Dolores, une fille du saloon, Arizona propose ses services aux habitants : contre cinq-mille dollars et Jane, la soeur de Dolores, il accepte de tuer Gordon et ses hommes....

Girl From Nowhere

Girl From Nowhere

A Cape Town couple, Katherine and Hugh, are headed to their private mountain getaway, when they pick up a hitchhiker, Liza, who carries a gun. Liza is invited for lunch, but soon the couple can't get rid of her..

The Man from Nowhere

The Man from Nowhere

A remake of the South Korean film, which followed a quiet pawnshop keeper with a violent past who takes on a drug-and-organ trafficking ring in hope of saving the child who is his only friend..

Un Illustre inconnu

Un Illustre inconnu

Sébastien Nicolas a toujours rêvé d’être quelqu’un d’autre. Mais il n’a jamais eu d’imagination. Alors il copie. Il observe, suit puis imite les gens qu’il rencontre. Il traverse leurs vies. Mais certains voyages sont sans retour..

News from Nowhere

News from Nowhere

After Eduardo, an Argentine loner on the lam, arrives in the U.S. illegally, he forms a relationship with a woman and her teenage daughter. Drama - - Demian Gabriel, Nicole LaLiberte, Viva.

The Man from Nowhere

The Man from Nowhere

Upon learning of a cancer diagnosis, a New York Times best-selling author pens his final novel in a last ditch attempt to reconnect with his estranged son before it's too late..

Miles from Nowhere

Miles from Nowhere

Frank and Cam have been friends all their lives, Cam is on the High School Football team, coached by his dad, Frank is a promising runner, with a dream of completing a sub 4 minute mile and beating his arch rival. Cam persuades Frank to go to a party, when Frank wants to leave and Cam doesn't Frank decides to run home in the dark, with fatal consequences. Devastated by his friend's death and blaming himself, Cam decides to move from football to running with the goal of completing the sub 4 minute mile for his friend. A race against Frank's rival leaves the rival injured after falling off the track. The rival insults Frank and Cam starts a fight which leads to a disciplinary hearing, causing Cam to be banned from the championships. The rival organises another race though, to prove that he is better than Cam. The race is a close thing and Cam comes in a very close second, but in doing so breaks the 4 minute mile dream..

PWG: From Out of Nowhere

PWG: From Out of Nowhere

Singles Match "Speedball" Mike Bailey vs. Biff Busick Singles Match Cedric Alexander vs. Tommaso Ciampa Tag Team Match Beaver Boys (Alex Reynolds & John Silver) vs. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor & Trent?) Singles Match ACH vs. AR Fox Singles Match Drew Gulak vs. Chris Hero Singles Match Ricochet vs. Matt Sydal Tag Team Match Monster Mafia (Josh Alexander & Ethan Page) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) Pro Wrestling Guerrilla World Championship Title Match Roderick Strong (Champion) vs. Trevor Lee (Challenger).

100 Miles From Nowhere

100 Miles From Nowhere

From the producers of Naked and Afraid comes 100 Miles From Nowhere, an Animal Planet series that follows adventurer Matt Galland and his two best buddies, Danny Bryson and Blake Josephson. In each episode, the trio of fun-loving regular guys chooses remote, extreme locations throughout the globe where cameras – let alone people – rarely have gone. Matt, Danny and Blake’s mission is straightforward: to get off life’s usual humdrum path for a more exciting, daring and off-the-beaten one. In just three or four days, the guys trek approximately 100 miles and burn up to 10,000 calories on foot, raft, skis and even skateboard while they document and shoot their own escapades with absolutely no crew. Every single second on the ground is self-shot. Each expedition causes major wear and tear on their bodies, so the guys must reach their bear box drops, which are pre-arranged at set points to replenish their supplies, strength and stamina. Their incredible journeys take them to extreme landscapes – including steep mountains, insufferably hot deserts, freezing-cold canyons and snakeinfested jungles. They push their endurance to the limit and sometimes even their friendship. The quests are never easy and are sometimes dangerous, but they always are packed with thrilling surprises and breathtaking footage of the planet’s splendor..