

Comment regarder Freedom sur Netflix gratuitement



La Terre est devenue inhabitable et les gens habitent maintenant sur la Lune. Ils y ont créé la république d'Éden. Plus de 160 ans ont passé. À Éden, les enfants finissent leur éducation à 15 ans, puis ils deviennent citoyens à part entière. Pendant cette période de transition, Takeru va participer à une course avec ses copains. Il a fabriqué lui-même son véhicule et par ses actes il va découvrir le secret d'Éden..



Après l'assassinat du Président des Etats-Unis, par des terroristes. Le commandant de l'armée déclare la loi martiale et prend le contrôle de la Nation. Quatre anciens agents spéciaux unissent leurs forces pour ramener la démocratie. Owen Decker et son équipe, Becca Shaw, Londo Pearl et James Barrett forment alors un commando d'élite souterrain de résistance..



Two men separated by 100 years are united in their search for freedom. In 1856 a slave, Samuel Woodward and his family, escape from the Monroe Plantation near Richmond, Virginia. A secret network of ordinary people known as the Underground Railroad guide the family on their journey north to Canada. They are relentlessly pursued by the notorious slave hunter Plimpton. Hunted like a dog and haunted by the unthinkable suffering he and his forbears have endured, Samuel is forced to decide between revenge or freedom. 100 years earlier in 1748, John Newton the Captain of a slave trader sails from Africa with a cargo of slaves, bound for America. On board is Samuel's great grandfather whose survival is tied to the fate of Captain Newton. The voyage changes Newton's life forever and he creates a legacy that will inspire Samuel and the lives of millions for generations to come..



Talented musician and free spirit Libby chafes under the rule of her divorced journalist mother, so she seeks emancipation from her parents and hits the road, soon joining the ranks of a traveling carnival. She gains the freedom she has longed for but learns some hard lessons along the way..



Ron, a young man in his late teens or early 20s, but emotionally younger, has no visible, employable assets, yet rails at his status in life -- blaming everyone for the fact that his dreams are not coming true..



Yoko Ono plays with our sense of anticipation by constructing a metaphor for the liberation of the female body and self..

Cry Freedom - Le cri de la liberté

Cry Freedom - Le cri de la liberté

En 1975 en Afrique du Sud, le journaliste blanc Donald Woods se lie d'amitié avec Stephen Biko le leader d'un mouvement extrémiste: «Black Consciousness» qu'il rencontre au cours d'un reportage. De plus en plus proches, Woods est témoin d'actes de violence de la part de la police contre la communauté noire et s'implique de plus en plus dans la lutte anti-apartheid... jusqu'à l'arrestation de Biko et sa mort dans des conditions que les autorités tentent de dissimuler....



Upon completing his six years in jail, after taking the wrap for his brother Chris's crime, Rick finds his family in financial hardship and he is unable to acquire a job to help provide. In the hopes of finding financial freedom for their family, Rick is lured by Chris into a uniquely well devised and low risk method of bank robbing, and the boys quickly become successful career criminals. Their success is short lived as Rick is unaware that his older brother stole this full-proof method from another career criminal, who is now demanding full compensation, drawing the brothers into a high-stakes conflict for their freedom, family, the money, and redemption..



Girl A sneaks out of her repressive town and meets Girl B, who opens her eyes to the world around her. After that magical night Girl A decides to leave the town she’s always know to be with someone she truly loves..



Striving for a professional skiing career means you are going to be subjected to great pressure. The main character, is struggling to find his place in the world after giving up his career as a potential professional skier. This animated documentary explores how high expectations can lead to frustration and anxiety..



Four students from Texas offer their own perspective on what Freedom means to them, how it relates to their struggles, interests, and identity..



Freedom, Nigeria's contribution to the 1957 Berlin Film Festival, was based on a play commissioned by the Moral Re-Armament Association. Based on a stage piece, the film is an unabashed paean to the MRA, demonstrating how the organization helped to check British colonialism and radical insurrection in Nigeria and bring peace to the troubled country. Subtlety is not the film's strong suit, and as a result the film seems at times to be a self-parody. Reportedly the first African production to be lensed in color, Freedom benefits from the cinematographic expertise of Scandinavia's Richard Taegstrom and Aimo Jaederman. The film was enthusiastically received at the Berlin festival, but fared less well when released internationally..



In the middle of a city lockdown, a lost adult bear dreams of happier times from his childhood, without plastic, pollution, and waste all around him..



Documentary - Freedom invites audiences to not just get mad, but to get motivated, offering serious fuel for thought for empowering people with knowledge and inspiring social change. The film explores the role that Ethanol plays as a homegrown alternative that will boost the domestic economy, create jobs and reduce our need to rely on dangerous and unstable parts of the world for our fuel. There is widespread agreement that America needs to wean itself off oil yet Ethanol has become a lightning rod of controversy. An anti Ethanol coalition made up of both big oil and radical environmentalists stokes the fires of that controversy every day. Debate rages on the pros and cons of Ethanol but what is the truth? - Ed Begley Jr., Tracy Mork, Jason Mraz.



Film made as competition entry for Chicago Film festival. Theme was ‘Freedom’. Woolley’s entry was dark and pessimistic with a man’s life moving from forceps delivery, through bullying at school to climbing into a coffin..



A powerful anthem created for Pride 2021 in association with the U.S. State Department and American Music Abroad..