

Comment regarder Francisca sur Netflix gratuitement



L'amour tragique de deux hommes pour une femme dans le Portugal aristocratique du milieu du siecle dernier. Troisieme d'une tetralogie de l'amour frustre comprenant "le Passe et le Present" (1972), "Benilde ou la Vierge mere" (1975) et "Amour de perdition" (1978), drame qui revela le cineaste portugais au public francais..



Francisca known historically as Xica da Silva, tired of hearing so many misconceptions about her life, returns in the 21st century to tell her own story. The character comes to life through the bodies of several black women who identify with their trajectory and struggle. And that, out of respect for the memory and ancestry of the African diaspora, they question the stigmas imposed by scholars on Francisca..