

Comment regarder Five Stars sur Netflix gratuitement

Five Stars

Five Stars

After her friend goes missing, Sadie discovers a killer on the loose may be connected to five star reviews on a particular movie..

The Five Star Stories

The Five Star Stories

À des milliers d’années-lumière de la Terre se trouve la galaxie du Joker, constituée de 4 étoiles autour desquelles gravitent de nombreuses planètes. Sur Bastogne, 2 hommes font connaissance : Vord Bewlard, un chauffeur routier d’apparence ordinaire, et Ladios Sopp, un jeune homme d’allure androgyne que Vord prend d’abord pour une fille. Ladios est en réalité un talentueux Meister, un concepteur d'engins de guerre intelligents appelés Mortar Headd. Ces Mortar Headd ne peuvent être pilotés que par un Headd Liner et sa Fatima, un androïde d’apparence généralement féminin conçu à partir d’ADN humain….

The Guide - Five Stars in Kyoto

The Guide - Five Stars in Kyoto

An original sitcom from YTV, revolving around the employees of a travel agency in Kyoto whose job is to respond to tourist customer complaints. Once called the “Travel Master” Kyoka Takase was transferred to a different office after a conflict with her superior. However with her expertise in planning and numerous connections, she uses her skills to create the perfect travel plan one customer at a time!.

Je voyage seule

Je voyage seule

Irène vient d'avoir 40 ans. Elle n'a ni mari, ni enfants mais un travail dont tout le monde rêve : elle est "l'invitée surprise" des hôtels de luxe, ce client redouté qui note et juge incognito les standards des services hôteliers. En dehors de son travail, il y a sa sœur Silvia et son ex Andrea. Irène ne recherche pas la stabilité, elle se sent libre et privilégiée. Pourtant, un événement va remettre en question ses certitudes....

Five Stars

Five Stars

Carlos and Toñi live in a tiny apartment in a marginal neighborhood. They have not been able to pay their rent for months, the power is cut off quite often and they survive by collecting scrap metal. Now the day has come when Henrik and Jens, two Danish tourists willing to spend a day with a poor family, come to meet them..

Five Stars

Five Stars

The film's events revolve around the problems facing young people these days through three people who work in a five-star hotel run by Mr. Akram, where Adham, who works in a gambling hall while dreaming of being a singer, Hamdi, a political science graduate, who works in various jobs in the hotel, and Sally. Who works in the gym. Hamdi admires Sally and wants to marry her.

Five Stars

Five Stars

With her camera in tow, filmmaker Annekatrin Hendel settles into a hotel by the sea for four weeks; with her is her old friend Ines Rastig who, after her divorce and alimony battle, is now homeless. Room service may deliver fresh fruit every day, but it’s the moment of truth for these two women as they humorously and unsparingly scrutinise practical problems after the end of a long marriage..

Five Stars

Five Stars

Five women collide at an anniversary celebration in the ladies' room. Each of them has its own secret and its own story. But they don't even know how closely their lives are intertwined....

Las Estrellas

Las Estrellas

Five sisters must take care of a hotel for a year after their father's death in order to get the 6 million dollar inheritance he left them..

Um Dia Cinco Estrelas

Um Dia Cinco Estrelas

Pedro Paulo decides to put his car on the street, an 80s Opala, and work as an app driver. What he didn't expect was to pick up passengers who could turn his day upside down..

Five Star: The Final

Five Star: The Final

Five star (hotel) is a sarcastic reference to the Pretoria prison which is central to the plot. An inmate Skollie (A nickname meaning delinquent) escapes from jail with one desire, to be united with his son again. Life outside is much different to what Skollie remembers. Still behind bars are inmates Pappa, Priester and Polka, who are doing everything to prevent Skollie from being reunited with his son, even if that means they have to kill. Skollie discovers that Pappa might be responsible for the death of his mother and he vows revenge..