

Comment regarder Envy sur Netflix gratuitement



Deux voisins, également très bons amis, voient leurs relations se détériorer, lorsque l'un d'entre eux devient riche en commercialisant son invention. L'autre va alors envier sa fortune..

Evil Attraction

Evil Attraction

Quand Kate découvre que son fils a été victime de harcèlement sexuel, elle ne peut se résoudre à attendre que le temps efface les blessures. Elle décide alors de venger son fils humilié. Un jeu terrifiant qui va mettre en péril toute sa famille..



On the crime-ridden streets of Detroit, two cousins, AJ and Caesar, turn to drug dealing to survive. But the hypnotic world of narcotics and fast money is more dangerous than the two could ever imagine..



Emma and Jess are at an after school drama lesson prepping for exams. Emma finds out Jess has thrown their plans for next year after they leave school out the window. The friction between them takes a dark turn to see if their friendship survives..



A. Marty commits a series of murders at the school. In the hallway, he runs into Johnny and his pals. After engaging in brief conversation, they part ways. Dr. Arana leaves and gets dressed before pursuing them and killing them..



Twelve images in 3,900 fragments. A hymn to the most universal of human emotions (in all its stroboscopic glory). Music by the Able Sea..



Bizarre short film; whereby women with huge and strange cartoonish hairstyles try to outdo one another..



Penis envy... the almighty appendage. A small thing to wish for, but could it truly be the source of a powerful, more fulfilling life? Stacy and Lydia, two beautiful career girls, are about to find out. Stopping off at a trashy motel bar on their way back to L.A., they began a bizarre adventure after a chance encounter with... the penis fairy! He grants their wish for a trial "membership". Thinking this is the answer to all their problems, they begin an Odyssey of discovery about the benefits and "shortcomings" of the other half. It's a world filled uncontrollable urges, strange desires... a world where genders collide, drag queens preside, and body hair takes on a whole new meaning. Envy is an adult gender bending fairy tale that explores and explodes the myths of being male..

Womb Envy

Womb Envy

When a gay party boy's estranged small-town best friend shows up expecting him to play baby daddy, even a lover with low-vision and an imaginary drag queen can't stop the womb envy - an Mpreg romantic comedy..

Maudite jalousie

Maudite jalousie

Quatre amies transforment un dîner de fête en cauchemar. La situation dégénère quand jalousie et amitié se retrouvent à la même table..

Envy: A Seven Deadly Sins Story

Envy: A Seven Deadly Sins Story

Gabrielle semble tout avoir : un mari dévoué, une belle fille et une carrière réussie dans les relations publiques. Cependant, elle risque de tout perdre lorsqu'elle rencontre Keisha, sa demi-sœur dévoyée qui veut tout ce que Gabrielle possède..