

Comment regarder Dog Squad sur Netflix gratuitement

Dog Squad

Dog Squad

Join the superskilled, big-hearted team of assistance dogs Kika, Diesel, Meagaidh, Sylvie and Tinks as they use their superpowers to complete important missions for their owners..

Dog Squad Puppy School

Dog Squad Puppy School

Follow the footsteps of the adorable pups training for some of our country's most elite organisations. Leaving their rough and tumble siblings behind, the puppies begin their journeys to become working dogs..

Dog Squad

Dog Squad

Third and last entry of the Capt. Nick Jansen trilogy. This time Jansen is a member of the dog squad who fights a gang of drug dealers led by Rolly and Marko. After a raid on a night club he picks up Steve, the little brother of his girlfriend Pat Jackson, who has been given drugs by Marko..

Delinquent Boss: Alley Dog Commando

Delinquent Boss: Alley Dog Commando

This is the Fifteenth film in the series. There were seventeen Wolves of the City films between 1968 & 1974, in the main aimed at shock-value & “pinku” soft-core with sex, nudity, violence, gunplay, & a lot of mainly pointless foolishness when the biker gang coopts racist or nazi imagery, inventing a non-existent youth culture void of morality….

Opération fantômes

Opération fantômes

Charlie, Alex et Nick, trois enfants impopulaires dans leur école, décident de fonder un club de chasseurs de fantômes. Amoureux de Brandy, une fille de son école, Charlie est prêt à tout pour l'impressionner. Avec ses deux compères, il accepte de relever un défi lancé par les voyous de la ville : passer la nuit entière de Halloween dans un terrifiant manoir, réputé hanté. Un challenge au cours duquel ils ont maille à partir avec un chien fantôme, nommé Salty. Celui-ci fait tout pour leur faire vivre un enfer..