

Comment regarder Doc Martin sur Netflix gratuitement

Doc Martin

Doc Martin

Le docteur Martin était auparavant un grand chirurgien jusqu'à ce qu'une phobie du sang l'oblige à abandonner cette voie. Il décide alors d'exercer dans le petit village où il passait ses vacances durant son enfance..

Doc Martin

Doc Martin

Cette série raconte l'histoire de Martin Le Foll, médecin réputé qui, un jour, est atteint de phobie du sang et est contraint de devenir docteur dans un petit village entouré de citoyens très pittoresques qui vont contraster avec ses méthodes de travail et sa manière de voir la vie en général..

Doc Martin

Doc Martin

Doc Martin tells the tale of Martin Clunes' character in the film, in the months leading up to the Saving Grace story. Martin Bamford is a heart-broken London obstetrician, in a jealous rage after he finds out that his wife has been sleeping with three of his buddies. He escapes to a small Cornish fishing village, which he grows surprisingly attached to, and is extremely reluctant to return with his cheating wife when she comes to pick him up. Although he has only been looking for a week's R & R, Dr Bamford stumbles across a network of secrets in the village of Port Isaac, and finds himself embroiled in the most exciting scandal the village has seen for centuries..

Farewell Doc Martin

Farewell Doc Martin

Doc Martin, one of UK's iconic TV characters, hangs up his stethoscope for the final time as the long-running titular series comes to an end. This one-hour retrospective spotlights the longevity and impact locally and around the world of Doc Martin over the years, as well as offering behind the scenes of the final season with the cast and crew. From scripting and pre-production to shooting and delivery, meet the regular characters that live and work in the picturesque Cornish town of Portwenn, the key crew behind the camera, the residents of Port Isaac, the show's real-life setting, and the visitors who come solely because Doc Martin films there..

Doc Martin and the Legend of the Cloutie

Doc Martin and the Legend of the Cloutie

Doctor Bamford has had enough of village life and is desperate for some distance from inquisitive Cornish neighbours. When the local estate agent shows him Tregunnt Farm # derelict and miles from anywhere # it's love at first sight. But the Bowden family from London also have their eye on the property with a view to developing the surrounding land into ugly holiday cottages. After being gazumped, the Doc decides to try and spook the family into leaving by pretending to be the Beast of Bodmin..