

Comment regarder Dirty Wars sur Netflix gratuitement

Dirty Wars

Dirty Wars

Journaliste d'investigation en Afghanistan, Jeremy Scahill se retrouve au milieu d'une campagne secrète antiterroriste menée par la Maison-Blanche. Il va alors notamment focaliser son attention sur les victimes civiles et innocentes d'attaques et de frappes ratées....

Dirty War

Dirty War

Army colonel Gabriele Moresco and twelve of his soldiers occupy a hospital in Sicily, Italy, taking every patient and doctor as hostages and giving an ultimatum to the government: if they won't admit their role in hiding proof of the use of depleted uranium in the Balkan Wars and the subsequent countless cases of cancer among Italian soldiers in 56 hours, all the hostages will be killed. Negotiator Paolo Manfredi is called to save the hostages, not knowing that his wife and daughter are among them..

Une sale petite guerre

Une sale petite guerre

A small revolution breaks out in a small Argentine town, as one group of Peronists calls they newly elected peronist a communist. The newly elected official enlists the aid of allies ranging from the town drunk to young peronists to help hold his post. What follows is a slapstick war with a serious message..

Dirty War

Dirty War

Paul, a mercenary in Africa, decides that he can no longer work for the Organization because of their brutal tactics. But the evil Organization refused to release him, and Paul finds that he must fight his way out..

A Dirty War

A Dirty War

In 1943, four Italian Alpini escape back to Italy after their company was decimated in Croatia by Yugoslav partisans. One of the four, Paolo, is seriously wounded and must undergo a leg amputation. The young man, embittered by his mutilation and the end of his soccer career, enlists in the fascist Brigate Nere. Once a member of the Brigate Nere, Paolo turns to evil and captures his former comrades, who must defeat him..

Syrie : la boîte noire du conflit

Syrie : la boîte noire du conflit

En près de dix ans, le conflit syrien a causé la mort de centaines de milliers de personnes et jeté dans l’exil quelque 12 millions de réfugiés civils. Comment les manifestations pacifiques de 2011, déclenchées par l’onde de choc contagieuse du printemps arabe pour réclamer un renouveau politique, ont-elles abouti à la pire catastrophe humanitaire du XXIe siècle ?.