

Comment regarder Delirium sur Netflix gratuitement



Set in a world where love is deemed illegal and can be eradicated with a special procedure. With 95 days to go until her scheduled treatment, Lena Holoway does the unthinkable, she falls in love..



Un homme tout juste sorti de l'hôpital psychiatrique hérite de la maison de ses parents. Mais bien vite des événements étranges, l'amenant à penser que la maison est hantée, se produisent..



Set in a world where love is deemed illegal and can be eradicated with a special procedure. With 95 days to go until her scheduled treatment, Lena Holoway does the unthinkable, she falls in love..



Un groupe de jeunes hommes défient un camarade d'aller jusqu'au porche d'une vieille maison légendaire, réputée pour être hantée par les treize victimes d'un massacre familial. Dans l'espoir d'obtenir une vidéo virale, ils s'équipent d'une caméra pour prouver qu'il y est parvenu ou pour le filmer fuyant dans la terreur, comme tous les précédents l'ont fait. Mais il ne revient pas....



As a maniac slashes his way through the city, a lone survivor tries to stop his vicious murder spree, only to discover there is far more going on than just murder..



"It was recorded over Summer of 2020, we were isolating ourselves. We live in the ground floor in an apartment building, we have the full backyard which ended up being my interaction with nature – that’s where 'Flying Over Brooklyn' was recorded. Just looking around, what on earth can I do here? I was looking at this reflection of leaves from trees from our neighbour to one of our fences and became interested and began to look at these reflections, some transformed themselves almost day by day, sometimes it was difficult to really catch some of these – it’s creature-like faces I tended to see there. The shadows were exotic for me, they had quality of the tropics, at the same time it’s flat and there are vertical lines which for me denoted prison in a way – you have these bars there, so it’s a contained jungle and that mean different implications for me. The sound we hear, though somewhat amplified, were recorded with the same camera, not necessarily at that moment." – Ernie Gehr.



Emily has mysteriously returned home to her mother and stepfather, after being missing for over a year - and something came with her..



An ordinary funeral procession moves along its path from church to cemetery. Observing, you slip from reality into a place where time has lost its linearity, looping through the odd images thrown off by a distorted reality. Images of non-existence, of varying reflections of death issuing from both past and future, concrete yet abstract, horrible yet desirable. A family asks a young psychiatrist to be their guest for a while to untangle the circumstances of their father's illness. He's developed a suicidal fixation for ropes and knots among other things. While deeply involved in analyzing the patient's delirium, the doctor begins to lose track of what is taking place. The task of "how to help" is twisted into "who am I? Doctor or patient? Chance guest, member of this suffering family, or a catholic priest who has dreamed this all up?" In order to get a handle on it all, it's best to start from the beginning, but why do things keep shifting, changing?.



An heir to a shipping fortune wakes up with amnesia. He discovers that his sister has been kidnapped, his father is unwilling to pay the ransom, and Interpol and the Russian mob after him..



A group of friends is looking for a change in their lives. Believing that a film will bring them fame and wealth, they embark on the project without many cinematic knowledge, but with a famous actor in mind to star: Ricardo Darín..



A man is accused and tortured for a crime he did not commit, but soon, the Police will receive an unexpected surprise..



Parasites that take over brains. Paranoia and Amnesia controlling the city. A state of emergency. Who is this mysterious person, who controls the parasites and what is her plan? A clockwork of puzzle pieces..



Struggling with writer's block, a screenwriter delves into his subconscious through a series of dreams, where he embarks on a surrealistic journey that blurs the line between reality and fantasy..



Six college kids on their way to Spring Break have car trouble in the middle of the desert. Then, as the sun goes down and they try to walk to the next town, they begin to be brutally murdered one by one by a mysterious figure who is shadowing their movements in the dark..



An attempt to document a psychosomatic experience using sound and image metamorphosis. Delirium is based on a true story about the death of six people traveling between Elliott and Darwin in the Northern Territory of Australia..



A man haunted by the ghost of his girlfriend whom he accidentally killed, is now urged to own up to his actions and confront his guilt..



Defiantly humorous in its tone, Delirium reflects Faber’s mother’s personal experience with what has been classified as “female hysteria.” While never reducing her mother’s condition to a single explanation, Delirium firmly and convincingly links her illness to the historically embattled position women hold in a patriarchal culture. The video layers haunting imagery and humorous iconoclasm, referencing everything from television episodes of I Love Lucy to Charcot’s 19th Century photos of female hysterics. Delirium contends that female mental illness must be understood within the political/social arena, and that in many instances women’s reactions of violence, anger, and depression are indeed sane reactions to abhorrent situations..



Delirium is the first movie of the "Delirium Cycle". One of the most popular movie by FS. Obsessions, delusions, hate, hopelessness, humiliation and death in an experimental film signed FS. Reviewed in the Italian journal's cult 'Nocturno'. The location (Torre di Cerrano, near Pescara, Italy) is the same of 'Nelle Pieghe Della Carne' (aka 'In the folds of the flesh', 1970) cult movie by Sergio Bergonzelli..



In the near future of 2056, Detective Casper Farrell uses an experimental drug called Delirium to experience the last moments of a victim's life in order to catch a serial killer tied to his past..