

Comment regarder Dangerous Cargo sur Netflix gratuitement

Dangerous Cargo

Dangerous Cargo

Un pirate parvient à prendre le contrôle d'un bateau en partance pour l'Asie, chargé d'explosifs et d'armes. Le capitaine du navire a embarqué sa jolie épouse qui ne laisse pas indifférent le pirate qui va déclencher une mutinerie à bord pour prendre le contrôle du navire..

Dangerous Cargo

Dangerous Cargo

Inspired by the real events of the attempted heist at Heathrow Airport in 1952, a criminal tricks an old friend into giving away the location of a shipment of gold bullion so he and his gang can steal it..

Desperate Cargo

Desperate Cargo

When two showgirls decide to leave South America and head for home, they sweet talk the purser of a clipper ship into giving them berths. In the course of the voyage, a band of thieves attempts to take over the ship and make off with its cash cargo. The heroic purser has other ideas and weighs in to save the day..