

Comment regarder Cupid

Cupid's Chocolate

Cupid's Chocolate

Jiang Hao Yi, étudiant de 19 ans, fait régulièrement le même cauchemar dans lequel il se voit mourir en sautant du toit de son école. Mais ce cauchemar n'est rien face à ce qui l'attend dans la réalité. Un jour, Xia Zi Tong, une des élèves les plus populaire de l'école, vient lui annoncer qu'elle est enceinte de lui ! Hao Yi a beau nier, personne ne le croit, et il s'attire rapidement les foudres de tous ses camarades, qui propagent l'information. Poursuivit par garçons et filles, car d'autres jeunes femmes prétendent qu'il les a trompé, il se réfugie sur le toit..



Trevor Pierce may or may not be the Roman god of love, Cupid, sent to earth to bring 100 couples together before he is allowed to return to Mt. Olympus. As fate would have it, Trevor is under the care of psychiatrist and self-help author Dr. Claire McCrae, who is also dedicated to helping lonely hearts find their soul mates. When it comes to true love, Claire believes it's all about friendship and compatibility, but for Trevor, heat and passion conquer all. Only time will tell who will win the battle for love..



Trevor Hale is an attractive, sarcastic and irreverent man who claims to be Cupid, the Roman god of love, and has descended from Mount Olympus to work on Earth..



Simon Cowell challenges America to find the perfect mate for one eligible young woman. Lisa Shannon, the Cupid Girl, is a copywriter for an advertising agency. Lisa has the full package: looks, personality and brains. However, Lisa has been unlucky in love and is looking to her friends to serve as judges to help find Mr. Right and weed out Mr. Wrong. Along with her girlfriends, Kimberly and Laura, Lisa will conduct a nationwide search to find the man of her dreams..

Cupidon mon amour

Cupidon mon amour

"My Man is Cupid" est un romcom à propos d'un féetaud qui tombe amoureux après avoir été touché par sa propre flèche et d'une femme qui a perdu son âme sœur après avoir été prise dans cette situation. Le féetaud Cheon Sang Hyuk est propriétaire de longue date de Sarangbang, une chaîne de restaurants coréens haut de gamme à Jongno, à Séoul. Il a disparu après avoir travaillé comme détective au poste de police de Jongno. C'est un homme qui a construit un mur infranchissable entre lui et les femmes et une fée qui s'est brûlé les ailes pendant 500 ans..

Cupid's Kitchen

Cupid's Kitchen

Lin Kesong has an acute sense of taste. To pursue the guy that she likes, she came to America. There, she meets renowned Michelin-certified chef Jiang Qianfan, who takes her in as a disciple and teaches her cooking skills. Together, they prepare for the cooking competition three months later. However, despite having an acute sense of taste, Lin Kesong does not have any talent in cooking..

L'Ange des neiges

L'Ange des neiges

Sloane Spencer, une jeune femme belle et particulièrement ambitieuse, travaille pour une société de relations publiques dirigée par son amant, le jeune et riche Andrew Craig. Une nuit, Caitlin Quinn, une de ses meilleures clientes, meurt et apparaît à Sloane sous la forme de l'ange gardien de Noël. Pour que Sloane change de vie, Caitlin la confronte à son passé, son présent et son futur, à travers trois histoires vécues au moment de Noël....

Cupid Stupid

Cupid Stupid

How would one's horoscope be interpreted and affect one's love life? A simple note that reads "Getting to meet the most important person in your life" is strong enough to draw fishmonger CHI YAT PO (Steven Ma), toy shop assistant KAN NGO LAM (Tavia Yeung) and toy designer KOON SING HO (Michael Tse) into a torrid love triangle. When making their way out of the maze, the three of them begin tohesitate. Can one's love life really be predicted? Unlike his childhood friend LAM, PO does not believe in horoscopes. But this does not affect their friendship at all and they are even closer than ever. PO is held up to ridicule while trying to save LAM from her lovelorn woe. Believing that PO is her Mr. Right, LAM seeks every opportunity to express her love for him. Sadly PO has realized this too late, and LAM is already going out with HO, with whom she is very compatible in terms of star signs, personalities and interests. HO's ex-girlfriend FONG CHEUK KEI (Mandy Cho) cannot bear to part from the man, forcing LAM to give up on the relationship reluctantly. During this most difficult time, PO has once again stood by LAM with tender loving care. As time goes by, the pair has gradually developed a genuine affection for each other. All of a sudden, HO turns up and asks to get back with LAM. To LAM, HO is a dream while PO helps keep her feet on the ground. Who is she going to stay with in the end?.

The Cupid Strikes

The Cupid Strikes

Zhan Meng-bai's father is assassinated by a mysterious archer, and his love interest is killed by the same assassin. Determined to avenge them both and discover the archer's secret, Meng-bai meets his supposedly deceased mother and many other renowned martial artists. Meanwhile, he falls in love with the daughter of the leader of the Emperor's Valley. Eventually, Meng-bai learns the identity of the archer and learns that the archer intends to die in battle with him..

Playing Cupid

Playing Cupid

Set in the halls of Austen Middle School, a newly single middle-school teacher is covertly set up with a divorced dad after his daughter – one of her students – begins a matchmaking business for a school project she assigned her class..

Les Filles de Cupidon

Les Filles de Cupidon

Inséparables depuis toujours, les jumelles Emma et Lilly ont comme passe-temps favori de jouer les entremetteuses, parfois au détriment de leur propre vie sentimentale car ces deux jeunes filles n'ont jamais eu de coup de foudre. Mais c'était sans compter sur leur dernière année de lycée et l'arrivée inattendue d'un garçon dont elles tombent toutes les deux amoureuses. Commence alors une compétition sans merci entre les deux soeurs....

Ms. Cupid in Love

Ms. Cupid in Love

Sharing a desire to save the world's marriages from chaos, Bo Yan and Shangguan Ya embark on a journey to do just that. Working together towards a common goal, the two begin to realize their feelings for each other have changed dramatically since their first encounter, but can a human and an immortal really be each other's destiny?.

L'Agence Cupidon

L'Agence Cupidon

À l'approche de la Saint-Valentin, Ève est en pleine crise sentimentale. Animatrice d'un show télévisé, la jeune femme consacre son temps à sa carrière. C'est alors qu'un faux conseiller en amour lui propose un défi : si elle parvient à réunir un couple pour la Saint-Valentin, elle rencontrera son grand amour....

Cupidon no Itazura

Cupidon no Itazura

Un homme qui est encore vierge a une maladie très très rare qui ne lui permet d'avoir des relations sexuelles que sept fois dans sa vie. Après avoir épuisé toutes les sept chances, il ne pourra plus jamais avoir de relations sexuelles pour le reste de sa vie ... et jusqu'à présent, il a gaspillé deux fois sa «gratification personnelle». Maintenant, il ne lui reste que cinq fois, et il veut choisir avec soin et se sauver pour quelqu'un de spécial ... mais en même temps, il veut désespérément perdre sa virginité ....

Cupid's Arrow

Cupid's Arrow

An innocent college couple unknowingly become involved in their Professor's illicit research into the manipulation of love and his recreation of the elusive "Cupid's Arrow"..