

Comment regarder Code Red sur Netflix gratuitement

Code Red

Code Red

Code Red is an American drama series that ran from 1981 to 1982 on ABC and was produced by Irwin Allen. The series revolves around the family and crew of L.A. Battalion Fire Chief Joe Rorchek..

Code Red

Code Red

Une femme médecin luttant pour retrouver sa fille après qu'une arme biologique de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, perdue depuis longtemps, ait explosé sur une base militaire américaine en Bulgarie, transformant les gens en zombies mutants..

LEGO Marvel Avengers: Code Rouge

LEGO Marvel Avengers: Code Rouge

Les Avengers se rassemblent pour sauver New York, mais lorsque Black Widow reproche à son père la façon dont il l’a élevée, ce dernier disparait mystérieusement. Alors que les Avengers enquêtent, ils découvrent que le méchant Collectionneur kidnappe ceux dont le nom fait référence au mot « rouge ». Déterminée à retrouver son père, c'est maintenant à Black Widow de conduire les Avengers à la recherche du repaire du maléfique Collectionneur et de libérer les prisonniers de ses griffes fatales..

Ambulance: Code Red

Ambulance: Code Red

Documentary following emergency response teams in the West Midlands on their most extreme medical callouts, often involving roadside surgery to save people's lives..

Code Red

Code Red

What's a girl to do when she gets an unwelcome visit from Aunt Flo? A self-conscious teenager uses technology to combat the stigma around menstruation. Inspired by a real-life story..

Code Red

Code Red

Life in rural Oklahoma can be beautiful, filled with the freedom to roam and time to grow up slowly. Unless you are Kiara Folsom and your mother is incarcerated. With the small town knowing everyone’s business, Kiara finds safety in her one close friend. She builds a wall around the outside world that comes crashing down on her the day she gets her first period and the entire lunchroom is made aware of it. Code Red is the story of one young lady becoming a woman, all alone..

Code Red: Youth of the Nation

Code Red: Youth of the Nation

With more school shootings in 2021 than any year on record, Code Red: Youth of the Nation exposes the fatal cost of our children's education. The documentary seeks to restore the safety of our schools by providing the tools and solutions to put an end to these tragedies..

Teahupoo: CODE RED

Teahupoo: CODE RED

On August 27, 2011, the Billabong Pro Tahiti event on surfing's World Tour was placed on hold due to a massive swell bearing down on the famed big-wave spot, Teahupoo. Paddling into waves was out of the question and the Billabong Pro was given a layday. In one of the most talked about sessions of the decade, history was made as a handful of international chargers whipped into some of the most nightmarish waves ever surfed in Tahiti. The swell proved to be so immense that the Tahitian government issued a "Code Red" warning, banning the surrounding seas of boats and watercraft. The lineup at Teahupoo, it seems, was an exception. See the historic day through the eyes of two surfers -- the young gun Laurie Towner and the veteran Dylan Longbottom -- as they catch some of the biggest, most dangerous surf ever recorded, much of it captured with the super slow motion Phantom Camera for never-before-seen imagery..

Raúl Jiménez: Code Red

Raúl Jiménez: Code Red

The football world held its breath when Wolves and Mexico striker Raul Jiménez suffered a life-threatening injury on the pitch in November 2020. Code Red documents the race to save his life and one man’s battle to return to the top of his game..

IMPACT Wrestling: Code Red

IMPACT Wrestling: Code Red

Code Red was a professional wrestling event produced by Impact Wrestling, in conjunction with House of Glory, which aired exclusively on Impact Plus. It was the first special for Impact Plus, a streaming service launched as a successor to the Global Wrestling Network. The event took place on May 5, 2019 at the NYC Arena in New York City, New York..

Code Red II

Code Red II

This film documents the infamous Code Red II swell of 2022, when storms in the South Pacific created epic waves in Tahiti, Hawaii, and California..

Code Blue: Redefining the Practice of Medicine

Code Blue: Redefining the Practice of Medicine

Through the lens of filmmaker Marcia Machado, code blue reveals lapses in the current state of medicine and provides a common sense solution by featuring the practice of lifestyle medicine to prevent, manage and reverse chronic diseases. The film presents the hurdles to the proposed shift: antiquated curricula in medical schools, confusion in the media, inadequate government policies, and the underlying influences of the pharmaceutical and food industries. code blue follows a passionate physician, Dr. Saray Stancic, as she reflects upon her journey from a multiple sclerosis diagnosis to wellness through her own adoption of lifestyle medicine. Dr. Stancic introduces us to expert physicians and scientists who are paving the way to make meaningful and necessary change in our healthcare environment, and in turn, empowering audiences to stand up and reclaim control of their health..

Code Red: The Miseducation of the Bloods

Code Red: The Miseducation of the Bloods

This gritty documentary sorts through the myths and facts about life on the street, taking you behind the scenes with members of both the East Coast and West Coast factions of the Bloods to learn the real scoop on gang life. Gang members from New York, Los Angeles, Baltimore and other cities reveal the truth about the connection between the East and West Coast Bloods, insider information on the inner workings of the gang and more..

Code Red Planet Earth

Code Red Planet Earth

As the world continues to grapple with the devastating effects of climate change, Code Red Planet Earth is a powerful and inspiring film about the urgent need for action and finding new solutions, told from the perspective of gen z who will inherit the consequences of what is being done today. There is no planet B..



Milo est un jeune prodige de l'informatique qui, du fond de son garage où il a installé sa start-up, a une ambition. Il veut devenir l'artisan de la convergence numérique. Il en a le talent. Bientôt, grâce à ses recherches, tous les instruments numériques pourront se comprendre et être associés... Lorsque Gary Winston, le tout-puissant patron de N.U.R.V. Corp., propose à Milo de rejoindre son équipe de recherche, le jeune homme ne peut pas refuser. Gary est son modèle, son icône, celui qui a tout inventé. Fasciné, Milo met tout son talent au service du richissime magnat. Pour les deux, l'enjeu est énorme, Milo veut entrer dans l'Histoire et Gary veut rester le numéro un..

Code poursuite

Code poursuite

Benjamin, un hacker très doué de seulement 13 ans, découvre que sa mère n'est pas décédée dans un accident comme on lui avait laissé croire. En réalité, de hauts responsables des services secrets danois seraient impliqués. Avec son amie Savannah, ils se lancent alors dans une course-poursuite pour découvrir la vérité sur la disparition de sa mère..