

Comment regarder Catherine the Great sur Netflix gratuitement

Catherine the Great

Catherine the Great

Les dernières années de règne de l'impératrice Catherine II de Russie. Elle connaît une liaison passionnée mais tenue secrète avec Grigory Potemkin, un officier de la Garde. Ce dernier va se révéler être un excellent conseiller et un homme politique de premier plan auprès de Catherine II..

Catherine the Great

Catherine the Great

Trapped in a loveless arranged marriage to the immature future Czar, a young German Princess proves a skillful political infighter and rises to become Catherine the Great..

Catherine the Great

Catherine the Great

A colorful, true docudrama about Catherine the Great - a young girl who transforms herself from an obscure German Princess into Russia's most powerful regent..

Catherine the Great

Catherine the Great

The history of the formation of the personality of the autocrat Catherine the Great from the moment of her arrival in Russia as the bride of Grand Duke Peter Fyodorovich to her ascension to the Russian throne. Almost 20 years of palace intrigues, conspiracies, power struggles and personal dramas..

Catherine the Great

Catherine the Great

Catherine, a young woman from Moldova, answers an appealing Want ad that calls for work overseas. She receives a plane ticket and arrives in Israel, landing in Tel Aviv without the slightest notion about the cruelty that awaits her..

Catherine the Great

Catherine the Great

Sophia Augusta's marriage to Peter III, the Emperor of Russia, is anything but the fairy-tale life that she had been promised. In a historical tale of political intrigue, sex and murder, she takes control of her life, her marriage, and her kingdom, becoming one of Russia's most celebrated and beloved monarchs..

The Rise of Catherine the Great

The Rise of Catherine the Great

La femme qui deviendra Catherine la Grande se marie dans la famille royale russe lorsqu'elle épousera le grand-duc Pierre, le neveu de l'impératrice Elizabeth. Bien que le couple ait des moments de contentement, le comportement cruel et erratique de Peter provoque une rupture entre lui et Catherine. Quelques mois à peine après que Peter succède à sa tante à la tête de la Russie, une révolte se prépare et Catherine est sur le point de monter sur le trône en tant que nouvelle impératrice du pays..

Catherine the Great

Catherine the Great

The project will focus not only on the empress's state achievements, but also on her natural image. During her formative years and during the main period of her reign..



1745. The reigning Empress Elizabeth Petrovna is infertile. The only heir is her feeble-minded nephew Peter III. Elizabeth cannot allow Peter to ascend to the throne, so she decides to marry the tsarevich, wait for the birth of her son, and then take the boy and raise him as a real Russian emperor herself. Brides are coming to St. Petersburg. Among them is the lovely Fike - the young Princess Sofia Frederica from the impoverished branch of the Prussian kings..

L'Impératrice rouge

L'Impératrice rouge

Comment la jeune princesse Sophia Frederica devient la grande Catherine II de Russie. Face aux folies de la cour, celle-ci se laissera séduire par Alexei puis par le chef des gardes du palais, Orloff..