

Comment regarder Bunraku sur Netflix gratuitement



Un mystérieux vagabond, accompagné d'un jeune guerrier japonais prénommé Yoshi, arrive dans une ville terrorisée par de dangereux criminels. Guidé par la sagesse du barman du saloon de la ville, le vagabond décide d'unir ses forces à celles de Yoshi pour mettre fin au règne corrompu de l'infâme Nicola et de sa compagne Alexandra, une femme fatale au passé trouble..

Bunraku: Masters of Japanese Puppet Theater

Bunraku: Masters of Japanese Puppet Theater

Born in Osaka some 300 years ago, Japanese puppet theater—Bunraku—is a stunning yet refined spectacle. This program presents the story of Bunraku through two of its greatest masters, puppeteer Tamao Yoshida and chanter Sumitayu Takemoto. Brought together for the last performance of the 20th century, these two “living national treasures” transform ancient tales of old Japan into vibrant human drama. Cameras go backstage to capture the immense preparations and grueling, rarely seen rehearsals for their exquisite rendition of the masterpiece Shinju Ten no Amijima..

Kaiju Bunraku

Kaiju Bunraku

The Japanese art of bunraku puppetry dramatizes the existential crisis of a despondent denizen of a Kaiju-infested region of Japan; a rigorous theatrical tradition soaked in profound absurdism..