

Comment regarder Bully sur Netflix gratuitement



Bobby Kent est mort le 14 juillet 1993. Alors qu'il était allongé dans son sang, il demanda de l'aide puis la grâce à son meilleur ami, Marty Puccio. Sa réponse fut instantanée et préméditée : il l'étripa et lui renversa la tête en arrière pour lui trancher la gorge. L'incident laissa les habitants sans voix, les parents des jeunes meurtriers dépressifs et inconsolables et un groupe d'adolescents accusés d'un crime sanglant pour lequel ils ne se repentiront jamais..



Cette année, plus de 5 millions d'enfants américains seront victimes de harcèlement à l'école, en ligne, dans le bus, à la maison, par l'intermédiaire de leur téléphone portable et dans les rues de leur ville, ce qui en fait la forme de violence la plus répandue chez les jeunes de ce pays. The Bully Project est le premier long métrage documentaire à montrer comment nous avons tous été affectés par les brimades, que nous en ayons été les victimes, les auteurs ou les témoins silencieux. Le monde dans lequel nous vivons en tant qu'adultes commence dans la cour de récréation. Le Bully Project s'ouvre le jour de la rentrée scolaire. Pour les plus de 5 millions d'enfants qui seront victimes de brimades cette année aux États-Unis, c'est un jour qui suscite plus d'anxiété et d'inquiétude que d'excitation. Alors que le soleil se lève et que les bus scolaires du pays débordent de sacs à dos, d'instruments de musique et de bruits d'hormones en furie, c'est un voyage vers l'inconnu..



A coming-of-age comedy about Jimmy, a quiet, heavy-set high school kid who is constantly tormented by the resident school bully Miles and his cronies. After an altercation on his way home from school lands him a chance meeting with former professional boxer "Action" Jackson and trainer Manny, Jimmy decides to learn how to fight back..



When a video of Toby being brutally humiliated at school appears on the Internet, Toby's high school and parents take action. However, with an overbearing father and a willfully unaware mother, Toby soon learns that his demons are not just in the classroom..



A short film highlighting the increasingly dangerous trend of online bullying and its worrying effects on LGBT youth, and featuring some of the most prominent, visible and vocal members of the international queer community..



Twelve-year-old Raman hales from a privileged upper middle-class family. He is also being bullied at school on a daily basis by his classmate Anand, and some of his friends. Raman tries various means of standing up for himself but his efforts prove futile. To compound matters, his parents have no clue as to what he is going through. What will Raman do to end his ordeal?.



BULLY is a new dramatic musical about Sam Bradley, a young man who commits suicide after being repeatedly bullied in school. The story follows Sam in the days leading up to his death, and the lives of those around him following his suicide..



Avery, a withdrawn, soft-spoken young man, gets baited into attending Gay Pride with a guy he's been messaging on a dating app. When he discovers the mystery man is his high-school bully, he must decide to embrace his bully's advances or risk losing his first love..



Karl, a sixth year student preparing to sit his Leaving Cert exams, becomes the target of a gang of bullies. With no support from his family and no friends to turn to, Karl falls victim to the psychological manipulation of a school teacher and soon turns to social media as a form of escapism where he develops an online friendship with a woman..



On the playground, a bully tries to take another boy's toy knight and horse. The boy fights back as they enter an imaginary medieval battlefield..



"Bully" documents an exercise in which a young man who has been bullied re-creates the experience with a group of participants. One takes on the young man's role while the others play the bullies or individuals who stood by, watching it happen instead of intervening..

Bully's Sitcom

Bully's Sitcom

The multi-camera sitcom is recorded on the American model in front of a studio audience and tells the origin story of Bully Herbig's movie "Buddy". Michael Bully Herbig plays himself and everything revolves around the making of his film "Buddy". The script is ready, but shortly before filming began Bully is under considerable pressure. The budget is tight and he does not have any models! Bully is everything to realize his film. How he neglecting his private life, he notes only when girlfriend Nina leaves him and the family home. But Bully will not remain alone: Rick quartered his sister Aida unasked him. Bell's life suddenly gets completely out of joint ....

Lucas, fourmi malgré lui

Lucas, fourmi malgré lui

Le pauvre Lucas Nickle, 10 ans, n'a vraiment pas de chance. Installé depuis peu avec sa famille dans une nouvelle ville, il n'a pas réussi à s'y faire un seul ami. Pis, Lucas est devenu le souffre-douleur de la brute locale, Steve, qui ne manque pas une occasion de le malmener.En guise d'exutoire, l'enfant ne trouve rien de mieux que d'effrayer et de martyriser les fourmis de son jardin, en s'amusant à shooter dans la fourmilière et à arroser ou écraser sauvagement ses minuscules hôtes. Lucas ne soupçonne pas que la fourmilière abrite une société hyperactive, complexe, très organisée et hautement structurée... qui en a plus que marre de ses stupides agissements.Zoc, le Sorcier, trouve enfin la parade : en faisant absorber à Lucas une goutte de sa potion magique, il le réduit... à la taille d'une fourmi....



Bullyparade is the title of a German late night comedy sketch show which aired from 1997 to 2002 on German channel ProSieben. Michael Herbig, Rick Kavanian and Christian Tramitz were the main cast of the show. The show featured both taped and live performed sketches, nearly every sketch was part of a series of sketches featuring special characters and settings. The show had a high rate of running gags, too. In Germany, Bullyparade gained strong cult followings even long time after it had been canceled, its status can be compared to Monty Python's Flying Circus in the UK. One thing it had in common with the Flying Circus is the frequent use of drag by the main cast. The movie Manitou's Shoe, a parody on western movies and one of the most successful German films ever made, was based on the characters in this show. In 2004, Michael Herbig produced a second film, Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1, which was also based on sketches parodying sci-fi shows like Star Trek, and it was very successful as well. A third movie based on characters and sketches from the Bullyparade was released in 2007. Lissi und der wilde Kaiser is an animated film..

Le Souffre-douleur

Le Souffre-douleur

Un écrivain retourne dans sa ville natale où il fait face à l'ennemi juré de l'enfance dont il a finalement ruiné la vie, seul l'intimidateur veut revivre leur passé douloureux en le torturant à nouveau..