

Comment regarder Better Late Than Never sur Netflix gratuitement

Better Late Than Never

Better Late Than Never

This hilarious fish-out-of-water comedy/reality show follows cultural icons Henry Winkler, William Shatner, Terry Bradshaw and George Foreman on their greatest adventure yet. Deciding it's Better Late Than Never, these four national treasures embark on the journey of a lifetime, traveling across Asia on their own with no schedule and no itinerary. The only "help" will come from Jeff Dye, a young, strong, tech-savvy comedian with an agenda of his own - who isn't above leading the men off track. Each stop is packed with hilarious cultural experiences, heartwarming spectacles and unexpected twists as our legends take on this unforgettable adventure..

"Better Late Than Never" with Tae Kimura

The show is centered around a fictional 'relearning project for adults,' aimed at creating an app for adults who want to update their knowledge. The members discuss what kind of content should be included in the app and how the current textbooks differ in content from the past..

Better Late Than Never

Better Late Than Never

Harry Landers is a feisty senior citizen who refuses to abide by the rules in a stodgy retirement home run by a dour Ms. Davis, in which Harry leads a revolt by the other goated senior citizen residents against the establishment..

Better Late Than Never

Better Late Than Never

Catrin wants to know it again: With over 40 she dared to jump back to the University of Marburg. The married mother wants to finish her medical studies, which she stopped many years ago because of her pregnancy. The classmates on campus are relaxed in the age of their children. Her husband Frank feels left sitting in Berlin. And after a fierce flirtation with an attractive student, her marriage is finally in crisis. Nevertheless, Catrin is determined to make her dream come true. Better late than never..