

Comment regarder Bad Luck ! sur Netflix gratuitement

Bad Luck

Bad Luck

Un groupe de personnes aux horizons différents se retrouvent liées à un livre d'auto-développement écrit par un entraîneur de football américain reclus..

Bad Luck !

Bad Luck !

Pour Ray Pluto, un détective new-yorkais, ses jours sont aussi noirs que ses nuits. La poisse, l'absurde, le grotesque, le surréalisme vont tour à tour être ses meilleurs amis.Au cours de ses mésaventures, Ray Pluto va faire la rencontre de personnages hauts en couleur : des apprentis scénaristes en mal d'inspiration, une gamine du Bronx, des tatoueurs un peu tueurs et une chiropraticienne au sens aigüe du contact..

Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn

Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn

Emi, une enseignante, voit sa carrière et sa réputation menacées après la diffusion sur Internet d’une sextape tournée avec son mari. Forcée de rencontrer les parents d'élèves qui exigent son renvoi, Emi refuse de céder à leur pression, questionnant ce qui est obscène dans nos sociétés..

Bad Luck

Bad Luck

Alors que Dagmar planifie un braquage et Lippo sa vengeance, Karl et Rizzo trouvent un butin près d'une voiture accidentée. Ils ne savent pas que le destin est en marche..

My Precious Bad Luck

My Precious Bad Luck

This kind of fortune does not have a penis. Lucky, a saleswoman from the Moo line who entrusts her life to predictions. She had to work at the same place as Chokbodee, her ex-boyfriend who had dragged her down. And he is the culprit. to prevent her and Guy, the son of the owner of the doctor's company..

Le Malchanceux

Le Malchanceux

Dans cette histoire hilarante, deux veuves se disputent les biens de leur mari et sèment le chaos dans la vie de tous ceux qui se mettent en travers de leur chemin..

Bad Luck

Bad Luck

A cat burglar with a case of diarrhea heads for the head, bag of swag in hand, and triggers a silent alarm. The security company calls one resident, who begins his hunt for the intruder; two other residents are also alerted by the sounds of flatulence, so they too are on the hunt, one armed with a gun, one with a golf club. A noisy toilet-roll holder adds to the burglar's problems..

Bad Luck Bridesmaid

Bad Luck Bridesmaid

Ten years, three empire waist dresses, and ZERO brides have walked down the aisle. And when Zoey Marks turns down a proposal from her perfect All-American boyfriend, Rylan Harper III, she and Rylan are both left heartbroken, leaving Zoey to wonder: what is it exactly about tying the knot that makes her want to run in the opposite direction?.

Sept ans de malheur

Sept ans de malheur

Max, riche oisif, rentre chez lui, ivre de l'enterrement de sa vie de garçon. À son réveil, le lendemain matin, un valet brise un grand miroir et ne pouvant le remplacer instantanément, déguise le cuisinier afin qu'il joue le rôle du reflet du maitre de maison. D'abord troublé, Max découvre la supercherie mais un appel téléphonique l'éloigne du miroir un moment. Le valet en remet alors un neuf, qui est brisé aussitôt car, croyant encore à l'imposture, Max envoie son chausson dedans. Les problèmes s'enchainent alors, confirmant à Max, superstitieux, que sept années de malheurs vont se succéder : il chute à cheval, ne parvient plus à traverser la rue à cause du trafic et doit rompre avec sa fiancée. Dépité, il part en voyage, sans payer son train, car il a été volé et finit par être arrêté et jeté en prison. Devant le juge, il voit la fin de ses malheurs et se marie avec la femme de sa vie. Sept ans après, il a sept enfants !.

Betty's Bad Luck In Love

Betty's Bad Luck In Love

Cursed from childhood to fail at romance, Betty’s relationships have always ended in disaster. But when she meets Alex, she’s tempted to try once more. Can true love prevail over a curse?.

Bad Luck Love

Bad Luck Love

A shocking crime forces a man to re-evaluate his life, only to find that going straight is more complicated than he imagined. Ali is a low-level criminal who spends much of his spare time working out at a gym with his brother Pulu. Ali spends most of his day stoned on marijuana, while Pulu is known to drink cleaning products when he's run out of booze. Ali has fallen in love with Inka, a bright woman with a mind of her own, and her independent nature occasionally throws him into a fit of jealousy..

Good Bad Luck

Good Bad Luck

The revenge mission of a Polish mobster falls apart as his life gets intertwined with an unlikely group of quirky locals from a small mountain town..

A Bad Luck Guy in a Bad Luck Town

A Bad Luck Guy in a Bad Luck Town

In the mean streets of the city, a gun for hire must uncover the truth behind a mysterious string of bad luck. But in a city where the only thing worse than asking questions is getting answers, will he survive long enough to turn his luck around? Sin City meets Who Framed Roger Rabbit..

A Bit of Bad Luck

A Bit of Bad Luck

Brooks Caldwell, (Cary Elwes) an erudite and handsome lawyer, seems to have it all: wealth, social status and a red hot career. His success is, in reality, a product of his marriage to his beautiful, socialite wife, Amanda, (Terri Polo) a wealthy timber heiress. Unlike most, who would remain content to enjoy a life of luxury and privilege, Brooks continues to risk everything by having extramarital affairs. Brooks' philandering, in addition to humiliating Amanda, has driven her to the point of a mental breakdown. Having been pushed over the edge, Amanda orchestrates a just and elaborate plan to bring her husband down. When Brooks leaves for a weekend romp with his latest squeeze, (Agnes Bruckner) his life quickly descends into a bizarre, nightmarish, downward spiral..

Fumi and the Bad Luck Foot

Fumi and the Bad Luck Foot

Are our lives predetermined? Is it possible to change fate? These questions are addressed in "Fumi and the Bad Luck Foot", a heartwarming tale of female empowerment. Fumi is a young girl whose left foot attracts bad luck. This affliction, which instigates infant electrocution, a shotgun barrage, and a moose attack, drives her to the brink of despair until she realizes that the source of her unhappiness might be her most powerful asset..