

Comment regarder Bad Blood sur Netflix gratuitement

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

Cette fresque dramatique policière suit l'histoire vraie de la famille Rizzuto et de ses complices, qui ont régné pendant des décennies sur le crime organisé à Montréal..

Unis par le sang

Unis par le sang

Atteint d'un cancer de la moelle épinière et après une première transplantation qui n'a fait que repousser l'échéance, Oscar Marcus, se maintient en vie en se transfusant le sang de jeunes femmes qu'il kidnappe et finit par tuer. Ce procédé trouvant ses limites, il décide d'enlever Lauren Malone, la première a lui avoir fait un don de moelle épinière, pour lui ponctionner lui-même sa moelle. Mais en se rendant chez elle, il se trompe d'adresse et tue la voisine de Lauren. Le lendemain, la police arrête Lauren car ils ont trouvé son sang sur la scène de crime. Lauren et Marcus possèderaient-ils le même ADN ?.

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

À la mort du parrain Andy Lok, sa famille et ses membres du gang se disputent sa fortune personnelle sous l'œil vigilant de Calf, le mouton noir de la famille en étant le fils de la maîtresse de Lok… Calf va quand même devoir intervenir pour déjouer certains complots visant des membres chers de sa famille en étant assisté de Dumby, une orpheline muette, qu'il a entraînée à devenir une combattante hors pair..

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

Ex-cop Travis Blackstone was sent to prison for destroying the proof of his brother's guilt. Now free, he must again come to the aid of his brother Franklin who is once again in trouble, this time owing $5 million to gangsters. Travis Blackstone finds himself taking on the gangsters..

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

A story that follows three generations of a rich Serbian Christian family in the 19th century in the north of the then Ottoman Empire in the city of Vranje, who are fighting for survival through various moral crises, facing decline. Forbidden love, intrigue, murder, arranged marriages, revenge, friendship and enmity between Serbs, Albanians and Turks and the endangered position of women at that time.

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

Carrie, an attractive veterinarian accepts an invitation from her fiancee, a best-selling author, for a long weekend away. When she senses something is terribly wrong she decides to leave only to find herself trying to escape the house into a desolate forest fearing for her life and fighting against a psychopathic killer..

Batman: Mauvais Sang

Batman: Mauvais Sang

Damian reprend sa place en tant que Robin pour découvrir que son père est porté disparu et que c’est Nightwing qui se déguise en Batman pour sauver les apparences. Pendant son enqûête sur la disparition de Bruce Wayne, même Alfred devient un infiltré, et rapidement ils sont tous entrainés aux côtés de la mystérieuse Batwoman, qui est peut-être la dernière personne à avoir vu Batman en vie. Mais alors que la « Bat Family » continue de suivre sa trace, ils arrivent à la conclusion inéluctable que le Chevalier Noir a sombré du côté obscur, devenant ainsi le nouveau patron du crime le plus dangereux de Gotham..

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

La fondation de l'entreprise Theranos par Elizabeth Holmes, qui devint la plus plus jeune milliardaire à ne pas avoir hérité sa fortune avant de tout perdre en 2015..

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

A man infected with HIV exacts his revenge on the person responsible. Based on a chapter from Irvine Welsh's 1993 novel Trainspotting..

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

During World War 2, a farmer in New Zealand murders seven people. The police, along with local Maori trackers, hunt him in the bush country..

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

Fueled by lies, anger and grief, Bad Blood brings viewers front row as estranged families confront one another about a crime that rocked the family, uncover new information about the case, and ultimately seek forgiveness for their actions.....

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

The lives of married Atlanta couple Veronica and Harry are turned upside down when Veronica's estranged sister shows up unannounced on her birthday..

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

When the evil powers of darkness enlightens one vampire, Eric Henswich, the mortal world will go to Hell. Turning worthy mortals into ghoulish monstrosities, and gruesomely disposing the rest of the human race; leaving rotting carnage to clutter the Earth's face... you can't stop the unstoppable, not even slow them down. This new breed of vampires no longer need fresh blood to keep them alive. They'll live forever of the pure essence of the evil that fills their inhumane hearts..

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

Frankie is a small town, local sheriff with a checkered-past and a dirty secret. He struggles to keep the peace of the town which trusts him and to repay an old debt to his no-good convict brother who needs him. For Frankie to clear his conscience, he's willing to risk his life..

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

he lives of married Atlanta couple Veronica and Harry are turned upside down when Veronica’s estranged sister shows up unannounced on her birthday..

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

"A Brutalist film-poem about the nature of a family tree and the macabre ancestral tales that work their way into your identity, whether you like it or not. A collaborative work that blends the poetry of Adelle Stripe, the music of C.A.R., and my hand-processed Super 8 imagery." — M.J..

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

Sergio is a former hitman who has just recently retired. His routine is disrupted by the visit of an old friend. He wants to hire Sergio for one last assignment: to kill the Ventura brothers, two dangerous criminals..