

Comment regarder Avengers en streaming vf

The Avenger

The Avenger

Two chemists working at the same laboratory compete over the heart of the daughter of the laboratory owner. When the girl chooses one, the other gets jealous and ploys a scheme that aggravates and leads to a great explosion and an even greater tragedy..

The Masked Avenger

The Masked Avenger

A small raccoon is happily decorating his den. Without any worries, he goes to sleep. The next day a lumberjack suddenly appears and destroys the den that the raccoon loves so much..

Cowman: The Uddered Avenger

Cowman: The Uddered Avenger

Cowman is assigned to protect the Jurassic Corn Creature, so when it goes missing, the townsfolk accuse him of being a thief. Then Cowman sets out to prove them wrong and protect them from their real enemies..

Sinister Squad

Sinister Squad

Une armée des ténèbres, « Les messagers de la mort », se répandent sur notre planète et font régner terreur et désolation. Pour sauver le monde, Alice doit réunir une équipe de super vilains aux pouvoirs maléfiques qui combattront le mal par le mal..



Un justicier masqué, Sparks, découvre le côté sombre de l'héroïsme. Après s'être dressé contre le criminel le plus connu du pays, sa vie et sa réputation vont être ruinées..

The Elusive Revengers

The Elusive Revengers

Dan'ka's and Ksanka's childhood in the village has been brutally ended when their father was killed by the White Guard officer in front of their eyes. Seeking revenge they join forces with an intellectual from the city Valerka and jipsy Yashka, but before they get close to their enemy they have to help their village and advancing Red Army..

La Révolte des boxers

La Révolte des boxers

L'histoire prend place en Chine, en 1900. Trois frères (Leung Kar Yan, Chi Kuan Chun et Alexander Fu Sheng) désirant sauver l'Empire Céleste de l'envahisseur étranger, rejoignent la secte des boxers dirigée par un personnage des plus troubles (Johnny Wang Lung Wei). Bien vite, ils s'aperçoivent que la révolte telle qu'elle est menée ne peut rien contre la coalition étrangère. Chacun va alors lutter comme il le peut....

Le Triomphe D'hercule

Le Triomphe D'hercule

Après l'assassinat du bon roi des Mycènes par le neveu de celui-ci qui convoite le pouvoir, le fidel Eurystheos prend le maquis et avertit Hercule des drames ensanglantant le pays. Le neveu du défunt veut faire épouser Atis, sa cousine, à l'un de ses complices, afin de régner par cet homme de paille....

Kung Fu Kid

Kung Fu Kid

This classical tale of Shaolin Temple disciples versus the Manchurian Ching government displays Shaolin martial arts at its best in empty hand combat. After the siege of the Shaolin Monastery by the Ching gevernment in the 18th century, students of Shaolin led by Hung See-Kwan, continue to rebel agains the Manchus. Hung then joins forces with the well-known hero Fong Sai Yuk. Hung is now a wanted criminal by Ching leader Kow Ching Chung, former disciple of Shaolin. Fong's association with Hung brings tragedy to his family as they are raided and killed by Kow's troops. Fong and Hung prepare for the final battle as they vow to bring Kow to his knees to avenge Shaolin and their families..

The Day Will Dawn

The Day Will Dawn

Sports journalist Colin Metcalfe is picked for the job of foreign correspondent in Norway when Hitler invades Poland. On the way to Langedal his boat is attacked by a German U-Boat, however when he tells the navy about it they do not believe him and, to make matters worse, he is removed from his job. When German forces invade Norway, Metcalfe returns determined to uncover what is going on and stop the Germans in their tracks..

Les vengeurs de l'Ave Maria

Les vengeurs de l'Ave Maria

Parker, un propriétaire terrien, règne sur une partie de la Californie. Dans le but de s'approprier une mine d'or, il tue le shérif. Katy, la fille du shérif, jure de se venger. Des forains l'aident à rétablir ses droits et châtient les traîtres. A la fin de la lutte, la jeune fille décide de partir avec les gens du voyage..

Lethal Angels

Lethal Angels

Deux inspecteurs enquetent sur des assassinats perpétrés par des professionnelles, l'un d'eux pense avoir reconnu parmi l'une d'elle un amour de jeunesse..

Blood and Guts

Blood and Guts

The deadly 'Wooden Hag' decides to get rid of the devil knight. Tiger Lim attracts an array of top samurai by offering 'book of nine Yin' as a reward for the head of the devil's knight..

Searing Passion

Searing Passion

In the last years of the Manchu dynasty: After the murder of the revolutionary Yue Sheng, his two sons are separated. Years later, Yue Feng becomes a rebel leader against the Manchu, but his brother Yue Donghua becomes a bodyguard for his fathers killer, without knowing it..